The Heart

  • Created by: IJM1
  • Created on: 16-02-18 15:59
What is the Heart?
The Heart is a pumping muscle, which pumps blood around the body at all times.
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What does the Right Atrium of the heart receive?
The Right Atrium receives Deoxygenated Blood from the Venae Cavave
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What does the Left Artrium of the heart recieve?
The Left Artrium of the heart receives Oxygenated Blood from the Pulmonary Vein
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Where does the Right side of the heart pump blood around?
The Right side of the heart pumps blood only a short distance to the lungs
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Where does the Left side of the heart pump blood around?
The Left side of the heart pumps blood around the entire body. This part of the heart has thicker walls.
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What are the functions of the Valves?
The functions of the Valves are so that it makes sure that the blood flows in one direction only
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Card 2


What does the Right Atrium of the heart receive?


The Right Atrium receives Deoxygenated Blood from the Venae Cavave

Card 3


What does the Left Artrium of the heart recieve?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Where does the Right side of the heart pump blood around?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Where does the Left side of the heart pump blood around?


Preview of the front of card 5
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