The development of attachment

What is a primary attachment figure?
Person who has formed closest bond with the child, demonstrated by the intensity of the relationship. This is usually child's biological mother, but others can fulfil the role.
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Separation anxiety
Distress shown by an infant when separated from his or hers caregiver. Doesn't have to be mother.
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Stranger anxiety
Distress shown by infant when approached or picked up by someone who is unfamiliar.
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Describe stage 1 of attachment(indiscriminate attachment)
Indiscriminate attachments. From birth until two months infants produce similar responses to all objects. Towards end of period infants show preference for social stimuli such as a smiling face. Interactional synchrony and reciprocity play a role in estab
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Describe stage two of attachment(begging's of attachment)
around 4 months infants become more sociable, they prefer human company to objects and can distinguish between familiar and unfamiliar people. However they are relatively comfy with everyone and don't show stranger anxiety. distinct thing is their general
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Describe stage three of attachment(discriminate attachment)
By seven months infants show different protests doing being put down (separation anxiety). Equally they show joy at reunion with caregiver. By the end of stage 3 they have said to have formed a bond with primary attachment figure. Infant starts to display
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Describe stage 4 of attachment (multiple attachments)
After first attachment , infant develops wider circle attachments. depends on how many consistent relationships it has. Emerson found that within first month of being attached, 29% of infants have formed multiple attachments to someone else. Within sixt
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What did Emerson find out about fathers in attachment
They were far less likely to become a primary attachment figure because they spend less time with their infants. Men might lack emotional sensitivity which women have to offer, due to social or biological factors
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Separation anxiety


Distress shown by an infant when separated from his or hers caregiver. Doesn't have to be mother.

Card 3


Stranger anxiety


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Describe stage 1 of attachment(indiscriminate attachment)


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Describe stage two of attachment(begging's of attachment)


Preview of the front of card 5
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