The Data Protection Act

  • Created by: hafsah134
  • Created on: 15-03-17 09:51
What is the need for it?
many companies began using computers to store their information using data bases. For example Names addresses Contact information Employment information Medical conditions Convictions Credit history easily accessed, searched and edited
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Why was it easier to change?
It was easier to change it if it was on a computer than paper files They were often networked This allowed it to be easier to share it with other organisations
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What happens if misused?
There was a danger it would fall into the wrong hands.
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What was the concerns that arose?
Who could access this information? How accurate was this information? Could it be easily copied? Was it possible to store information about a person without their knowledge or consent Was a record kept of any changes to the information?
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What was the purpose of the act?
The 1998 data protection act was passed by Parliament to control the way information is handled to give legal rights to people who have information stored about them Other European countries has passed certain laws similar to this.
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Card 2


Why was it easier to change?


It was easier to change it if it was on a computer than paper files They were often networked This allowed it to be easier to share it with other organisations

Card 3


What happens if misused?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was the concerns that arose?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What was the purpose of the act?


Preview of the front of card 5


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