the cognitive interview

  • Created by: floberry1
  • Created on: 15-05-17 15:20
why was the cognitive interview given its name?
to illustrate the fact that its formed from cognitive insight
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how many steps are there in the cognitive interview?
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what are they?
Report everything. Reinstate the context. Reverse the order and Change perspective.
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what is the cognitive interview?
a method of interviewing eye witnesses in hopes to improve the accuracy of the information recalled.
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what is the point of reporting everything?
reporting every little detail though seemingly pointless is actually beneficial because it allows a bigger picture to be produced as well as prompting other details to be recalled.
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what is meant by reinstating the context?
revisiting the scene mentally to remember every aspect of the situation helps to prompt memory recall e.g. weather, emotions, clothing etc
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what does reinstating the context link to?
context dependent forgetting and Godden and Baddeleys study
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what importance does recalling the situation in reverse have?
it prevents people from reporting their expectations of what happened so it therefore prevents dishonesty
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why do interviewers promote viewing the situation from another perspective?
because it prevents the role of schema interfering through people reporting their expectations over what actually happened.
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who developed the cognitive interview further into the enhanced cognitive interview?
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what were his developments based around?
how the interviewer should interact with the interviewee, e.g. when to make eye contact, how to relieve the interviewees anxiety etc
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why would the police be reluctant to use the cognitive interview?
because it is very time consuming and expensive because the interviewers have to be specially trained etc.
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which two of the steps produced the most effective responses?
report everything and context reinstatement.
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what does this demonstrate
that some aspects of the cognitive interview are more valuable than others.
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why is this helpful
because it suggests that even if the police didn't want to use the whole CI, they could improve their results by just using some aspects of it.
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give one example of support for the cognitive interview
a meta analysis has proved that the results from using the cognitive interview are consistently more effective than when just the standard police interview was used
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how many steps are there in the cognitive interview?



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what is the cognitive interview?


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