The cognetive approach to the explaination of depression

What is the premise of Ellis's (1962) ABC model?
That depression is founded on irrational beleifs
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What is the A in Ellis's (1962) ABC model?
Activiationg event (getting fired)
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What is the B in Ellis's (1962) ABC model?
Beleif - this is either rational (they sack me because of overstaffing) or irrational (they've always had iti in for me)
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What is the C in Ellis's (1962) ABC model?
The consequence - rational beleifs lead to healthy emotions (acceptence) irrational beliefs lead to unhealthy emotions (depression)
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What is the source of irrational beleifs?
Musturbatory thinking - thinking certain conditions must be true for the individual to be truely happy
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What are some examples of musturbatory thinking?
I must do well or I am worthless. I must be approved of and accepted by people I think are important. The world must give me happiness or I will die.
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What is the natural consequence of mustabatory thinking?
An individual does not become depressed because of the activating event but because of the irrational beleif regarding such an event
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What must sucsessful treatment involve according to Ellis's (1962) model?
challenging musturbatory thinking
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Why does Beck think depressed individuals think the way they do?
because their thinking is biased towards negetive interpretations of the world due to aquiring a negetive schema during childhood
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Why might a child aquire a negetiv schema during childhood?
rejection by parents/peers or critisism from teachers
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When are these schemas activated?
when encounering a new situation in similar conditions to when the schema was aquired during childhood
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What do negetive schemas lead to?
systematic cognetive biases. a common one is overgnerelisation where the depressed individual draws sweeping conclusions about thier self worth on the basis of a small peice of feedback
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What do these cognetive biasis help maintain?
A negetive triad
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What is a negetive triad?
irrational views of three aspects of a persons life: negetive view of the self the world and the future
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the A in Ellis's (1962) ABC model?


Activiationg event (getting fired)

Card 3


What is the B in Ellis's (1962) ABC model?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the C in Ellis's (1962) ABC model?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the source of irrational beleifs?


Preview of the front of card 5
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