The circulatory system

  • Created by: Lily04
  • Created on: 29-05-17 17:29
name the 4 main components of blood
plasma, white blood cells, platelets,red blood cells
1 of 19
Describe the function of the platelets in blood
clump together when a blood vessel becomes damaged in order to produce a clot
2 of 19
Describe the funtion of a red blood cell
transport oxygen from lungs to tissues
3 of 19
Describe the function of white blood cells
protect the body against disease
4 of 19
Describe the function of plasma in the blood
transports several substances around the body including foods like glucose, water, hormones, antibodies and waste products
5 of 19
Give 4 ways the red blood cell has adapted to its job
red colour comes from a chemical called haemoglobin. Oxygen joins to haemoglobin, which allows it to be transported around the body; they do not have a nucleus (more room to carry oxygen); biconcave shape for absorbing oxygen;small and flexible
6 of 19
Explain the job of the artery and how it has adapted to do this.
ARTERIES TRANSPORT BLOOD AWAY FROM THE HEART- thick, muscular and elastic wall made of muscular fibres to help withstand high blood pressure as the blood leaves the heart
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Explain the job of the vein and how it has adapted to do this.
VEINS TRANSPORT BLOOD TOWARDS THE HEART- large lumen to help blood flow at low pressur; valves stop blood from flowing the wrong way
8 of 19
Explain the job of a capillary and how it has adapted to do this.
CAPPILARIES EXCHANGE MATERIALS WITH TISSUES- thin, permeable wall to allow exchange of material with body tissue
9 of 19
What is different about mammals' circulatory system and what advantage is there to this ?
blood going to the body can be pumped at a much higher pressure than blood going to the lungs. This provides a greater rate of flow to all the body tissue.
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True of False: blood pumped into the arteries is under much less pressure than the blood in the veins.
False: blood pumped into the arteries is under much HIGHER pressure than the blood in the veins
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Complete the sentence: The right hand side of the heart pumps blood which is....
low in oxygen to the lungs and back
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Complete the sentence: The left hand side of the heart pumps blood which is.....
rich in oxygen to the rest of the body and back
13 of 19
Explain how haemoglobin is used to transport oxygen
The haemoglobin molecules in red blood cells bind with oxygen in the lungs to form oxyhaemoglobin. When it reaches the tissueit separates into haemoglobin and oxygen. The oxygen diffuses into the tissue cells and red blood cells return to the lungs
14 of 19
Why does the left ventricle have a thicker, muscular wall compared to the right ventricle which has a thinner wall?
left ventricle pumps blood at a higher pressure all the way around the body, whereas the right ventricle pumps blood a relatively short distanceto the lungs
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What is the job of the pulmonary vein in the heart, and what side is it on?
left side: brings oxygenated blood from the lungs
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what is the job of the aorta and what side of the heart is it on ?
left side at the top: takes oxygenated blood to the body
17 of 19
what is the job of the pulmonary artery and what side of the heart is it situated?
right side top: takes deoxygenated blood to the lungs
18 of 19
what is the job of the vena cava and what side of the heart is it on?
right side: brings deoxygenated blood from the body
19 of 19

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Describe the function of the platelets in blood


clump together when a blood vessel becomes damaged in order to produce a clot

Card 3


Describe the funtion of a red blood cell


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Describe the function of white blood cells


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Describe the function of plasma in the blood


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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