The circulatory system

  • Created by: 13aj
  • Created on: 12-04-17 18:23
What is a pathogen?
a disease causing organism
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What is plasma and what's its funtion?
the liquid part of the blood, transports water-soluble substances including digested food, carbon dioxide, urea, salts and hormones.
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What are red blood cells
Carry oxygen around body, contains haemoglobin which is a red pigment.
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Red blood cells have... and are... which gives the red blood cell a... to...
biconcave discs. flattened. greater surface area. absorb oxygen
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Name a whit blood cell that engulfs and destroys bacteria
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Why do other white blood cells create antibodies?
to destroy pathogens in other ways.
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White blood cells are mainly responsible for the...
immunity function of the blood
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The two main functions of the blood are...
transport and immunity
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What are platelets?
cell fragments that help the body to clot. Clotting plugs wounds and so helps prevent infection
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White blood cells can... which allows them to squeeze through gaps in the... and enter the... to fight infection in...
change shape and move. capillary walls. tissue fluid. tissues
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The blood travels in two seperate circuits. What's the reason why it's referred to as a double circulation?
the pulmonary circulation-to and from the lungs and the systematic circulation-to and from the rest of the body
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In any one complete circuit of the body, the blood travels through the heart once or twice?
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The heart can act like a pump becauase it's made up of... and when they... it applies force to the blood which pushes the blood out into...
muscle. contract. artery
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The right side of the heart deals with the... blood
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The left side of the heart deals with the... blood
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The left ventricle has a much... wall than the right ventricle bacuse it has to pump blood all around the... whereas the right ventricle only has to pump the blood to the...
thicker wall. body. lungs
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The outside of the heart has its own blood supply via... which supplies the... that the heart needs to keep...
coronary artery. nutrients and oxygen. beating
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Blood flows from the... to the... and then out of the... at the top
atria. ventricles. arteries
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Name the four valves in the heart
Semi-lunar valve, Semi-lunar valve, bicuspid valve (left), tricuspid valve (right)
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What do the valves ensure?
that the blood only flows in one direction
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If you were following the blood through left side of the heart, explain where it would go.
1.Oxygenated blood flows into the left atrium via the pulmonary from the lungs. 2. The left atrium contracts, forcing the bicuspid valve open so that the blood goes into the left ventricle.3. The left ventricle contracts, forcing the bicuspid valve
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What are the three main types of blood vessels?
Capillaries, veins and arteries
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The artery has thick muscular walls which...
resist high blood pressure
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The artery has a... which pushes blood through the vessel
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The vein has a thinner wall than an artery so...
it doesn't need to resist high blood pressure which allows muscles around the vessel to squeeze the blood and cause it to move.
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The vein uses valves to...
ensure that movement of blood is only towards the heart
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The vein has a... which increases the rate of flow of the body
large lumen (gap in the middle of the vessel)
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Capillary walls are only one cell-thick which allows...
easy passage of materials in and out by diffusion
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Capillary blood flow is very slow which allows...
time for materials to be exchanged
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Capillaries have extensive networks in each each organso that...
each cell is near to a capillary which means more materials can be exchanged
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Cardiovascular disease is linked to a process called... which build up...
atherosclerosis. plaque
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How does plaque affect the heart?
1. restricts blood flow, resulting in the heart working harder to move the blood around. 2. blocks small arteries, depriving the tissues they supply of oxygen and nutrients
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Plaque blocks small arteries, depriving the tissues they supply of oxygen and nutrients, when this happens in the... it can cause a... or it can cause pains which is a condition known as... . The slower flow of blood can also block off... and cause a
coronary artery. heart attack. angina. blood vessels. heart attack
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What causes cardiovascular and why?
High blood pressure, you could be eating too much salt in your diet. High blood cholesterol forms plaque in artery walls because their diet might contain too much saturated fat. Diabetes. Obesity makes the heart work harder to provide the energy to m
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How can we treat cardiovascular?
Changes to lifestyle related to diet and exercise. Taking statins whish lowers blood cholesterol. Statins don't prevent or cure CVD but reduce one of the major risk factors. Angioplasty, narrowed arteries can be widened by carrying put a coronary
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Beating of the heart puts... on the blood. Arteries have to be able to... the pressure
pressure. resist
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When the blood reaches the veins, it has...
no pulse
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Contraction of muscles in... move the blood and the direction of the flow is controlled by the...
veins. valves
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is plasma and what's its funtion?


the liquid part of the blood, transports water-soluble substances including digested food, carbon dioxide, urea, salts and hormones.

Card 3


What are red blood cells


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Red blood cells have... and are... which gives the red blood cell a... to...


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name a whit blood cell that engulfs and destroys bacteria


Preview of the front of card 5
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