The Canon

criticism "tends to establish an order of ideas... to make the best ideas prevail. New ideas reach society... and there is growth."
Matthew Arnold - The Function of Criticism at the Present Time
1 of 11
"English Literature has a triple function: to delight and instruct us but also... to save our souls and heal the state"
George Gordon - Oxford professor
2 of 11
"like religion, literature works primarily by emotion and experience"
Terry Eagleton - The Rise of English
3 of 11
Definition: "a disinterested endeavour to learn and propogate the best that is known and thought in the world"
Matthew Arnold - The Function of Criticism
4 of 11
"The critical power is of lower rank than the creative...exercising this free creativity... may have it in criticising."
Matthew Arnold - The Function of Criticism
5 of 11
"Culture tries to draw ever nearer to a sense of what it indeed beautiful, graceful and becoming, and to get the raw person to like that"
Matthew Arnold - Culture and Anarchy
6 of 11
Literature provides self-fulfillment - "the actually impoverished expereince of the mass of people... can be supplemented by literature."
Terry Eagleton - Rise of English
7 of 11
"The rise o English is concomitant with an historic shift in the meaning of the term moral"
Terry Eagleton - Rise of English
8 of 11
To make a good poet, one must be aware of the current state of the world. "Knowledge and ever fresh knowledge must be the critic's great concern for himself"
Matthew Arnold - The Function of Criticism
9 of 11
A critics own judgement must be in second place to fresh knowledge "as a sort of compnaion and clue, not as an abstract law giver"
Matthew Arnold - The Function of Criticism
10 of 11
Human perfection comes from the pursuit of spiritual development: "a harmonious perfection, a perfection in which the characters of beauty and intelligence are both present."
Terry Eagleton - Culture and Anarchy
11 of 11

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Card 2


George Gordon - Oxford professor


"English Literature has a triple function: to delight and instruct us but also... to save our souls and heal the state"

Card 3


Terry Eagleton - The Rise of English


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Card 4


Matthew Arnold - The Function of Criticism


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Card 5


Matthew Arnold - The Function of Criticism


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