The Brain:

  • Created by: charismaw
  • Created on: 05-03-19 01:37
the quality of being easily shaped or moulded- brain changing and developing as we learn and grow
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Functional Recovery
a form of plasticity- brain can redistribute or transfer functions usually performed by a damaged area to another area of the brain
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Example of positive plasticity
brain can repair itself after damage from drug use such as cocaine, also
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Example of negative plasticity
prolonged drug use leading to poorer cognitive functioning and old age being associated with dementia. Both due to changes in the brain
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1) Study on plasticity:- Kuhn et al 2014
control group with pts - practiced 2 months for min 30 mins / day on Super Mario.. found that the gamers had increased grey matter in various areas of the brain incl hippocampus,concluded game training had resulted in new synaptic connections
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'cabbie test' - on plasticity
found London taxi drivers had altered structure of brain using mri- but cause and effect?? also scientific.
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Draganski 2006- supports plasticity
studied brains of medical students before and after final exams- showed differences inhippocampus and parietal lobe- thought to be due to studying
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How quick is the process of functional recovery?
- This can occur quickly after trauma and then slow down after weeks/months
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How does the brain recover? (functional recovery)
Transfer of functions to undamaged areas (neural reorganisation) - Growth of new neurons and/or connections to compensate for damaged areas (neural regeneration)
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(part of functional recovery) Axonal sprouting means:
growth of new nerve endings which connect with other undamaged nerve cells
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neural unmasking means:
the unmasking of dormant synapses can open connections to reigons of the brain that are not normally activated
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Wall 1977 (neural unmasking study)
identified the idea old dormant synapses in brain that can be unmasked if we increase rate of input into them--- e.g. this is why physiotherapy works
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What happens in brain- for neural unmasking
Reformation of blood vessels, recruitment of similar areas on the opposite side of the brain
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for example for neural unmasking
if Brocas area was damaged in left hemisphere, same area in right hemisphere may take over the language functions
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Card 2


a form of plasticity- brain can redistribute or transfer functions usually performed by a damaged area to another area of the brain


Functional Recovery

Card 3


brain can repair itself after damage from drug use such as cocaine, also


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Card 4


prolonged drug use leading to poorer cognitive functioning and old age being associated with dementia. Both due to changes in the brain


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Card 5


control group with pts - practiced 2 months for min 30 mins / day on Super Mario.. found that the gamers had increased grey matter in various areas of the brain incl hippocampus,concluded game training had resulted in new synaptic connections


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