The Bloody Chamber Critcial Interpretations

  • Created by: Woolf123
  • Created on: 20-04-19 10:42
Helen Simpson- Passivity
"Passivity is never a virtue"
1 of 10
Helen Simpson- change of human nature
"Fired by the conviction that human nature is not immutable, that human beings are capable of change"
2 of 10
Lydia Onyett- nightmarish Gothic
"Carter uses the nightmarish Gothic to envisage a better world"
3 of 10
Makinen- sexual designs
"They are not fearful of sex, just their partner's sexual designs on them"
4 of 10
Makinen- active saviours
"It is the women who become the active saviours, not the men"
5 of 10
Helen Simpson- female straightjackets
"The heroines of these stories are struggling out of the straightjackets of history"
6 of 10
Mariner Warner- Carter's manifesto
"Issues a manifesto for alternative ways of loving, thinking and feeling"
7 of 10
Jeff Vandermeer- traps laid by men
"Carter's characters are forever escaping socially, mentally and physically the traps laid by men"
8 of 10
Bidish- Wolf Alice
"Alice's wolf upbringing allows her to flout the rules of human femininity"
9 of 10
Lydia Onyett- relevance
"Of enduring contemporary cultural and political relevance"
10 of 10

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Card 2


"Fired by the conviction that human nature is not immutable, that human beings are capable of change"


Helen Simpson- change of human nature

Card 3


"Carter uses the nightmarish Gothic to envisage a better world"


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


"They are not fearful of sex, just their partner's sexual designs on them"


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


"It is the women who become the active saviours, not the men"


Preview of the back of card 5
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