the biological approach

what does the biological approach assume
that everything psychological is at first biological
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how can neurochemcials affect behaviour
much of our thoughts and behaviour rely on the chemical transmission in the brain
an imbalance of neurochemicals in the brain has been implicated as a possible cause of mental disorder
eg low levels of serotonin in OCD
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what are twin studies used to investigate
wether certain psychological characteristics have a genetic basis
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what % of genes do monozygotic twins share
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what % of genes do dizygotic twins share
(non identical )
5 of 15
what is genotype
genetic make up
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what is phenotype
the characteristics of an individual determined by both their genes and environment
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define evolution
the changes in inherited characteristics in a biological population over successive generations
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what is Darwin's theory of natural selection
any genetically determined behaviour that enhances an individuals survival will continue in further generations
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what real world application does the biological approach have
the biological approach has promoted the treatment of clinical depression using antidepressant drugs that increase levels of serotonin in the synapse
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however antidepressant drugs do not work for everyone
ciprani et al compared 21 antidepressant drugs and found wide variation in effectiveness
the effects were mainly modest
brain chemistry alone may not account for all cases of depression
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a strength of the biological approach
it uses scientific methods of investigation
based on objective and reliable data
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what type of determinism does this approach have
biological determinism
it sees human behaviour as governed by internal, genetic causes over which we have no control
however genotype is heavily influenced by environment
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why can a strictly biological view be problematic
when considering crime could a violent criminal really be excused by claiming their behaviour was controlled by a crime gene
15 of 15

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Card 2


how can neurochemcials affect behaviour


much of our thoughts and behaviour rely on the chemical transmission in the brain
an imbalance of neurochemicals in the brain has been implicated as a possible cause of mental disorder
eg low levels of serotonin in OCD

Card 3


what are twin studies used to investigate


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Card 4


what % of genes do monozygotic twins share


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Card 5


what % of genes do dizygotic twins share


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