The Beginning

  • Created by: Tenel Ka
  • Created on: 25-06-17 16:16
improve over task T with respect to performance measure P based on experience E
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Design choices
experience type, target function, learning algorithm, representation
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Data Mining Solutions
Hybrid system, unsupervised algorithms,
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knowledge dicovery in databases, 1989
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Concept Learning
search in the space of hypotheses H for the ypothesis best fitting the example
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The Inductive Learning Hypothesis
Any hypothesis fpound to approximate the function well over a sufficient large set of training samples will also work well over unobserved samples.
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Find-S algorithm
Initialize to most specific. For each positive training instance: if attribute constraint doesn't satisfy: Generalize it.
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Complaints to Find-S
only takes positive examples, might miss the concept, inconsisteny in training data isn't detected, might miss different solutions
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more general
iff all instances classified positive by h1 are also classifies positive by h2
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LMS weight update rule
Select exp. at random. Calculate with learned function on current weights. Calculate error. Update weights w1 + epsilon*feature1*error
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VS (H,D)
subset of hypotheses from H consistend will all training exps D, defined by S & G boundary
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-> to obtain VS, Start with H, for each x in D and for each h in H: if h doesn't match c(x): Remove.
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Characteristics of List-then Eliminate
finite H, computes complete VS, ideally on ehypo remains, unpractical
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large/ no VS
more exp., criteria to select h / -> inconsistent samples
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What will Candiate-Elim do on H'
can learn every imaginable target concept, no generalization beyond observed examples, converges to one hypo only when all instances have been represented
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H-like, but also allows disjunctions
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Learning system L
Dc ^xi >> L(xi, Dc) (>> inductive inference)
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inductive bias
minimal set of assertions B such that: for all xi € X: B ^Dc ^xi |= L(xi, Dc) (|= deductive inference)
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Decision Trees
learn discrete valued target functions, disjunction of conjunction of attribute values, writeble as set of rules
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representation of decision trees
internal node - attribute branch - one value leaf node - classification
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application of DT
instances describable by attribute value pairs, discrete valued target function, disjunctive hypo may be required, possibly noisy training data
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learning a decision tree
finding the best order to ask for the attribute values
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Iterative Dichotomizer, 1986, find best attribute by the distribution of its values over the examples, put that one at the root
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Main Loop of ID3
Get best decision attribute, assign it to the node, for each value create new descendant node, sort training exps accordingly, continue until training exps are perfectly classified
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


experience type, target function, learning algorithm, representation


Design choices

Card 3


Hybrid system, unsupervised algorithms,


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


knowledge dicovery in databases, 1989


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


search in the space of hypotheses H for the ypothesis best fitting the example


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