the arguments for design and cosmological arguments

  • Created by: bah304
  • Created on: 06-03-19 19:43
arguments for design
nature, solar system ,seasons ,position of the earth,your heart,trees , William Paleys watch analogy, everything serves a purpose , imago dei
1 of 10
"Psalm 19 - The heavens declare the glory of God ; the skies proclaim the work of his hands."
2 of 10
for cosmological argument
cause + effect big bang-evolution evil and suffering prime caused cause GOD is the uncaused cause train analogy
3 of 10
arguments for athiest
who caused God ? why should the cause stop at god ? why stop at the universe?
4 of 10
the arguments for the cosmological argument
the only possible first cause of the universe is God therefore God must exsist
5 of 10
design argument proves
The design proves that God exist an example could be humans where have humans evolved how did humans come into existence how did different animal come into existence
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design argument
to design something takes intelligence and thought
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design shows
The universe shows evidence of design
8 of 10
Therefore a being with intelligence and thought must have designed it
9 of 10
st Thomas Aquias came up with the idea of the classic form of the argument in the first three ways to prove Gods existence in his work 'Summa Theological'
10 of 10

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"Psalm 19 - The heavens declare the glory of God ; the skies proclaim the work of his hands."

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for cosmological argument


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arguments for athiest


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Card 5


the arguments for the cosmological argument


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