The existence of God

  • Created by: Elise
  • Created on: 03-06-13 10:43
What does a theist believe about God?
A theist believes in God
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What does a atheist believe about God?
An atheist does not believe in God
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What does an agnostic believe about God?
An agnostic doesn't know if God exists
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What does omnipotent mean?
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What does omniscient mean?
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What does benevolent mean?
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What is God seen as in many religions?
God is seen as a supreme being who has no limits in space or time.
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What is proof?
Proof is evidence that confirms a fact or the truth of a statement
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What are the 3 problems in proving the existence of God?
God cannot be proved by human senses, Physical beings have limitations and the "evidence", such as dreams are personal and have no witnesses, so they could be made up.
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What is another name for the first cause argument?
The cosmological argument
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Who was the main thinker who created the three rules?
St. Thomas Aquinas
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What are the three rules in the first cause argument?
The unmoved mover, the uncaused cause and the unmade maker.
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Describe the unmoved mover.
Things do not move by themselves, something must have moved it. This cannot go back to infinity. The unmoved mover must be God.
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Describe the uncaused cause.
Everything depends on something else to have caused it to have happened. The uncaused cause is God.
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Describe the unmade maker.
Everything has had to be made by something else as nothing can be made by it's self. This cannot go back to infinity. The unmade maker is God.
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What are the 3 arguments for the cosmological argument?
It shows that the big bang was created by God, God is infinite so God has been around before the start of creation and Russell's opinion does not explain why the universe exists or what the universe was created from.
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What are the 3 arguments against the cosmological argument?
Not everything needs to have a cause as the world could have always existed, The steady state theory shows that the universe could be eternal and the argument does not support the idea of a personal God.
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What does Blaise Pascal think about the first cause argument?
That it only proves the first cause argument, not that God created the world.
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What does David Hume think about the cosmological argument?
He does not believe that there has to be a first cause
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What does Bertrand Russell think about the first cause argument?
It does not prove the existence of God.
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What is another name for the design argument?
The teleological argument
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What does the design argument show us about the existence of God?
That ther is design in the creation of the world, so there must be a designer. That designer is God.
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What is the most famous example of the design argument and what does it show?
The most famous example is William Paley's watch. The watch is so complicated that it must have a creator. This is the applied to the creation of the world. There is so much order that it must have been created by an intelligent designer- God.
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What is the other example of the design argument?
Isaac Newton's thumb as all humans have a unique design that leads to a designer.
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What are the 3 arguments FOR the design argument?
There is too much order in the world and it could not happen without the guiding mind of God, there is just the right amount of chemicals in the air to allow evolution and Animals depend on each other in the food weds
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Card 2


What does a atheist believe about God?


An atheist does not believe in God

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What does an agnostic believe about God?


Preview of the front of card 3

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What does omnipotent mean?


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Card 5


What does omniscient mean?


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