Thatcher Miner's Strike and Economy Stats

  • Created by: AshyBoy
  • Created on: 25-11-18 22:37
blah blah blah
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The British government wanted to close all the ____ _____ because they were no longer __________
coal mines - profitable
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How many mines were closed?
20 pits (20,000 jobs)
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What was the response to this?
The unions representing coal miners protested as a result of this
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What was the 1982 Employment Act?
It was an act intended to suppress protests as it required unions to take a vote whenever they wanted to go on strike
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What did this act also ban?
Secondary picketing (Protesting in support of other unions)
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What notable thing had happened in 1983 that would put Thatcher in a position of strength?
She had won the 1983 election
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What was one of Thatcher's campaign promises?
That she would control the unions and not let the Winter of Discontent happen again
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Thatcher's cabinet would be described as ___ so therefore she had strong support
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What is a "dry"?
Someone who agreed with Thatcher's hardline policies as opposed to the more liberal "wets"
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In what way were the Conservatives ready for a battle with the coal unions?
They stockpiled coal and bought it from abroad
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Who was Ian MacGregor and what was his job?
He was the head of the NCB (National Coal Board) and he was tasked with going to mines and personally closing them.
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What did nickname did Arthur Scargill give MacGregor?
"The American Butcher of British Industry"
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Who was Arthur Scargill?
She was a socialist and leader of the NUM (National Union of Miners)
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What was he known for?
Flying pickets, flies to places and protests there with hundreds of miners.
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What event was he notorious for?
The Battle of Saltley Gate (1972)
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What was Thatcher's counter to Scargill's methods?
She increased the pay of the police (2x) and created a national police force to crush these pickets.
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Thatcher made it illegal for miners to ______ together
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What was Scargill's critical mistake in going into the 1984 strike?
He did not attempt to call a ballot to legitimise his picket
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Why didn't he attempt to call a ballot?
Because he knew he would never get a win due to the union leader's being more radical than the workers
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In what other way was Scargill's strike not legitimised?
The Nottinghamshire Miner's (the people that worked in the area) were not in support of the picket
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How did the Conservative government use the time of year to their advantage?
The strike was in Spring so they knew that all they had to do was wait until the Summer so that coal demand was low.
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In what way was Thatcher seen as a hero?
The country was sick of union strikes
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Who was the 'spin doctor' who portrayed Thatcher as standing up for Britain?
Tim Bell
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Who came out in support of the miners?
The wives of the miners and women in general.
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blah blah blah
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What was inflation before Thatcher got into power?
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What was inflation just before the Miner's Strike in 1984?
4% (Shows Thatcher's strength in opposing the miners)
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What was the lowest point of infaltion Thatcher achieved in her premiership?
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At the end of her premiership was was inflation?
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What was unemployment before Thatcher got into power?
1.5 million
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What was inflation just after the Miner's Strike in 1984?
3 million (Thather tried to cut public expenditure but couldn't because of all the people on the dole)
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_ in 5 people in the north was unemployed after the Miner's Strike
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What was coal production before Thatcher got into power?
125 million tonnes
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How much coal was produced in 1984?
50 million tonnes
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At the end of her premiership was was coal production?
100 million tonnes (not that drastic of a change)\
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In 1980 what was GDP?
-2% growth
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In 1988 what was GDP?
+6% growth
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In 1990 what was GDP?
+2% growth
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What was the interest rate in 1980
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The government set high interest in order to tackle inflation
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What was the effect of high interest rates?
It harmed manufacturing industries and exports - Later on it raised house prices too
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At its peak how many people bought their own council homes?
£170,000 in 1982 - £70,000 in 1985 due to high house prices because of interest rates
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What were house prices in 1982?
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What were house prices in 1985?
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What were house prices in 1989?
£65,000 (Due to increased house ownership house prices increased)
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How much did marriage rates fall during Thatcher's premiership?
350,000 to 300,000
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How much did public spending decrease?
48% to 40% (She wanted more but couldn't due to unemployment increase)
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By the end of the Thatcher premiership __% of the workforce worked in the public sector
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How much did the percentage of the population living in poverty increase under Thatcher?
It had gone up 9%
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


The British government wanted to close all the ____ _____ because they were no longer __________


coal mines - profitable

Card 3


How many mines were closed?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was the response to this?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What was the 1982 Employment Act?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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