Testing and Preparing Common Gases

This includes CO2, O2, H2, NH3 and Cl2

How can you make H2?
acid + metal ==> salt + hydrogen
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How is H2 collected?
1) over water 2) UP into a gas jar 3) into a gas syringe
2 of 17
What is the test for H2?
"Squeaky pop" noise with a lighted splint
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How can you make O2?
Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 ==> O2 and H2O)
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How is O2 collected?
1) over water 2) DOWN into a gas jar 3) into a gas syringe
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What is the test for O2?
relights a glowing splint
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How can you make CO2?
React acid and carbonate
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How is CO2 collected?
1) over water 2) DOWN into a gas jar 3) into a gas syringe
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What is the test for CO2?
It turns limewater from clear and colourless to cloudy white
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How can you make NH3?
base/ alkali + ammonium salt ==> salt + water + AMMONIA
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How is NH3 collected?
1) into a gas jar 2) into a gas syringe
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What is the test for NH3?
ammonia turns damp pink litmus paper blue [colourless gas but pungent smell]
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How is Cl2 collected?
1) over water 2) DOWN into a gas jar 3) into a gas syringe
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What is the test for Cl2?
chlorine turns damp blue litmus to pink, and immediatly bleaches it white [pale yellow green gas]
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Why can't NH3 be collected over water?
It is too soluble.
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Why are some gases collected up a gas jar and some down?
Dense gases are collected down because they sink and visa versa.
16 of 17
Visit : http://because-chemistry-is-my-life.blogspot.co.uk/
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How is H2 collected?


1) over water 2) UP into a gas jar 3) into a gas syringe

Card 3


What is the test for H2?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How can you make O2?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How is O2 collected?


Preview of the front of card 5
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