Tectonic Hazards Key Terms

  • Created by: annanolan
  • Created on: 17-11-16 15:05
smaller earthquakes that occur in the same general area during the days to years following a larger event
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Convergent / destructive plate boundary
when two plates are moving towards each other
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Continental crust
Continental crust is land and mainly composed of granite. It is less dense than oceanic crust, does not sink and is permenant
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Divergent / constructive plate boundary
when two plates are moving away from each other
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a shaking of the ground caused by a build up of pressure between tectonic plates which results in a sudden movement within the Earth
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the point on the Earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquake
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the point at which the pressure is released and the earthquake happens
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a fracture in the Earth's crust that shows signs of movement
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energy generated by heat stored deep in the Earth
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GPS (Global Positioning System)
a group of satellites that allow people to find out their exact location on the Earth's surface
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Hot spot volcanoes
in places where a plate is particularly thin, magma may be able to escape to the surface
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a type of mudflow composed of pyroclastic material and water that flows down from a volcano, typically along a river valley
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when magma hits the air, it becomes lava: a thick liquid which quickly cools and turns into rock
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the shock waves cause groundwater to rise to the surface, turning soft ground into mud. Any buildings built on clay, for example, sink into the mud and collapse
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hot fluid rock
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semi-molten rock under the Earth's crust
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Mid ocean ridge
at a consructive plate margin, new magma can rise up through the gap and create new rock,
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Ocean trench
trench formed at the subduction zone of a convergent plate boundary
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Oceanic crust
Oceanic crust is covered by sea and mainly composed of sedimentary rock. It is more dense than continental crust and can sink
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Plate tectonics
the study of the distribution and movement of the Earth's crustal plates
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Primary effects of a tectonic hazard
Loss of life, homelessness, loss of jobs, buildings destroyed, loss of power, businesses and public facilities (transport, communications), water supplies contaminated
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Pyroclastic flow
avalanches of hot volcanic debris
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Richter scale
the scale most commonly used for measuring the intensity of earthquakes
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Secondary effects of a tectonic hazard
disease (unclean water etc.), crop failure, travel difficulty, loss of income, money needed to rebuild, hinders development, people need to be rehoused
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Seismic waves
waves of energy away from the focus of an earthquake
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the instrument used to measure seismic activity
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Shield volcano
volcano that covers a large area with very gently sloping sides
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Strato volcano
tall, conical volcano composed of many layers
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Subduction zone
the area of a destructive plate boundary where one plate descends beneath another
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Transform plate boundary
plate boundaries that slide past one another
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tidal wave caused by an underwater earthquake
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breaking up of rocks by the action of weather, plants, animals and chemical processes
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


when two plates are moving towards each other


Convergent / destructive plate boundary

Card 3


Continental crust is land and mainly composed of granite. It is less dense than oceanic crust, does not sink and is permenant


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Card 4


when two plates are moving away from each other


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Card 5


a shaking of the ground caused by a build up of pressure between tectonic plates which results in a sudden movement within the Earth


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