Systems and processes - currents and tides

  • Created by: teese
  • Created on: 04-04-22 11:32
What is a flood current?
brings sediment inland
1 of 8
What is an ebb current?
Takes sediment out to sea
2 of 8
Describe a rip current
flow seaward
3 of 8
The UK coastline experiences ' ' high and ' ' low tides each day
4 of 8
Explain the formation of a Spring Tide
1) The earth is between the moon and sun
2) The combined gravitational pull creates a bulge of water and the highest tide .
3) The tidal range is at its greatest
5 of 8
Explain the formation of a Neap Tide
1) The Earth, Moon and Sun are at right angles
2) Their gravitational pulls interfere with each other
3) The tidal range is at its smallest
6 of 8
Name 2 ways in which tides effect coastal processes
1) Wave-cut notch formation
2) During low tide, some of the cliff is left exposed leaving it vulnerable to subaerial weathering
7 of 8
Name 2 ways in which tides effect coastal communities
1) Flood and storm surge risk
2) Renewable energy (tidal power-generators)
8 of 8

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is an ebb current?


Takes sediment out to sea

Card 3


Describe a rip current


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


The UK coastline experiences ' ' high and ' ' low tides each day


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Explain the formation of a Spring Tide


Preview of the front of card 5
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