Systematic Desensitsation

  • Created by: Emily
  • Created on: 12-12-12 18:46
What is the main assumption of the Behaviourist Approach?
Systematic Desensitisation Therapy
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What does SD do?
Aims to unlearn faulty learning such as phobic behaviour
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What does SD replace with faulty learning like phobias?
Appropriate learning, using counterconditioning
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How does SD work?
Breaking the association with the stimulus and the inappropriate response
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Give an example of a phobic situation that SD would treat and how?
An arachnophobic screaming when they see a spider, by replacing the screaming with relaxation when confronted with the spider
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In SD what would the therapist firstly draw up with the client?
Heirarchey of anxiety (ladder)
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What happens secondly in SD?
The client learns how to relax their muscles.
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What happens in the third step?
The client gradually works up the ladder virtually or physically, however they must complete every layer
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What example can you use for SD?
If an older Little Albert had gone to SD, he'd have a heirarchey with cotton wool and a white rat at the top
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What percentage did Mcgrath find?
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What does SD suggest?
Learning has been successfully applied to SD to help treat abnormal behaviour.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does SD do?


Aims to unlearn faulty learning such as phobic behaviour

Card 3


What does SD replace with faulty learning like phobias?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How does SD work?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Give an example of a phobic situation that SD would treat and how?


Preview of the front of card 5
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