System Architecture

  • Created by: Adhvay
  • Created on: 12-09-18 14:45
What are embedded systems programs likely to be stored in?
They are stored in ROM not Ram
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What is in the Von Neumann Architecture?
A Single memory for accessing data and programs.
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How is information fetched In VN-Architecture
Info and instructions are fetched form the memory and executed sequentially
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What are the 4 main components in the CPU
Arithmetic + Logic Unit, Control Unit, Clock and Bus
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What functions do the ALU preform
Logical Operations, Shift Operations and Arithmetic Operations
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What are Logical Operations
AND, OR plus NOT (Think Logic Gates)
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What are Shift Operations
Changing the location of a string of a code without changing it.
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What does the Clock in the CPU do
Controls processor timing + Synchronizes all CPU operations
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What does the Bus do (the one in the CPU)
The Bus The internal connections between the components of the CPU
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“A bus is a collection of wires through which data is transmitted from one component to another.”
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Name the steps of the Fetch-Execute Cycle
1) Fetch (Ram) 2) Decode (Control Unit) 3) Execute (ALU)
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What does Fetch do?
The address of the next instruction to be executed is fetched from the reister
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What does Control do?
The control unit decodes the instruction to see what has to be done. It just translates it.
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What does Execute do?
The ALU runs the instruction(s)
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Factors affecting CPU performance?
Clock Speed, Cache Memory and Type and the Number of processor cores.
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How does Clock Speed affect preformance
Greater Clock speed = More pulses = More instructions completed each second.
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How does Cache Memory affect performance
Better Cache (LVL 1,2,3) is faster than the Main Memory so it lets the processor run faster.
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How do Processor Cores affect performance
More Cores= More instructions that can run at the same time or in a set time.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is in the Von Neumann Architecture?


A Single memory for accessing data and programs.

Card 3


How is information fetched In VN-Architecture


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the 4 main components in the CPU


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What functions do the ALU preform


Preview of the front of card 5
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