supply chains

what is a supply chain?
group of firms that are involved in all the processes required to make a finished product or service available to a customer.
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4 types of businesses that are usually part of a supply chain
farming, manufacturing, packaging, transportation
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3 important factors a business should consider when choosing a supplier
reliability, consistency, value for money
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what does logistics mean?
process which pans, implements and controls distribution and storage of goods and services.
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what is procurement?
the act of finding and buying things that a business need from outside the business.
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what is job production?
each product is designed to meet the customers requirements
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benefits of job production?
high quality, good staff retention, customer satisfaction
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drawbacks of job production?
long time to produce, less to sell, saleable??
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example of job production?
custom made clothes
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what is flow production?
using production lines to manufacture products as quickly as possible.
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benefits of flow production?
standardised, unit cost is lowered, increase product range
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drawbacks of staff retention?
low staff retention , fewer staff
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example of flow production?
car manufacturer where the vehicle is assembled as it moves along the assembly line.
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what is lean production?
aims to make a business more efficient by reducing waste ensuring quality.
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benefits of lean production?
quality performance, faster development, less space required
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drawbacks of lean production?
possible errors, requires all employees to co-operate or the system fails
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example of lean production?
pair programming, writing criteria
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what is meant by a just-in-time (JIT) production method?
input arrives and outputs are produced just when they are needed.
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advantage of JIT?
have product supply when needed
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disadvantage of JIT?
more space required- more money needed (expensive)
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what is just-in-case (JIC)?
products come more then when they are needed just in case of emergency (buffer stock).- extra stock
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advantage of JIC
deliveries happen more then needed to you have extra product stock just in case it is needed (buffer stock)
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disadvantage of JIC
more space for all the stock-expensive to pay foe extra room and product life may terminate (expire)
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what is efficiency?
how well a business uses its resources to produce products
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how to measure efficiency
calculate the cost of production of one item=average unit cost (lower the average unit cost the more efficient a business is)
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how to calculate average unit cost
total cost / number of units
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what is kaizen
continuous improvement
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what is total quality management (TQM)
a quality assurance approach where all employees have a target of 'zero defects' and are therefore responsible for quality.
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advantages of TQM
quality is embedded (fewer quality issues), improved motivation
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disadvantage of TQM
cost to set up, cost of training, will all staff "buy into" it.
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what is e-commerce?
buying or selling a product using an electronic system such as the internet
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what is m-commerce?
buying or selling products using a smart phone or a similar handheld device
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


4 types of businesses that are usually part of a supply chain


farming, manufacturing, packaging, transportation

Card 3


3 important factors a business should consider when choosing a supplier


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what does logistics mean?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is procurement?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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