Statistics - probability

  • Created by: Nikki
  • Created on: 29-03-13 00:02
Probability is...
A measure of how likely an event is
1 of 8
A sample space is...
A list of all possible outcomes
2 of 8
Probabilities and odds can be written as...
3 of 8
If a spinner is biased...
You are more likely to recieve one outcome
4 of 8
When two events cannot happen at the same time they are...
Mutally exclusive - e.g. A dice is thrown once, what is the probability of rolling a two or a multiple of three?
5 of 8
If one of the events must occur, they are called...
Exhaustive events, e.g. A card is drawn from a regular pack. What is the probability of picking a spade, a heart, a club or a diamond? There are no other probabilities so the probability of one of the events happening is 1 (no other possibilities)
6 of 8
Probability of an event that depends on the outcome of another is called...
Conditional probability
7 of 8
When a trial has two possible outcomes (e.g. coin toss) you can use the ________ __________ to work out the overall outcome from n trials
Binomial Distribution (e.g. coin toss - can use B.D to calculate the probability of a coin landing on heads 4 times out of 10 tosses)
8 of 8

Other cards in this set

Card 2


A sample space is...


A list of all possible outcomes

Card 3


Probabilities and odds can be written as...


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


If a spinner is biased...


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


When two events cannot happen at the same time they are...


Preview of the front of card 5
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