Starting a business

  • Created by: millie
  • Created on: 03-01-13 14:20
What is an entrepreneur?
Someone who is willing to take a risk to start a new business
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What is meant by opportunity cost?
Contrasting the risks with the benefits
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Revenue is the money received by the business from it's customers, what other words can be used instead of revenue?
Income, Turn over, Sales, Taking
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What is the formula for profit?
profit = revunue - costs
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What is a patent?
Intellectual property protection for a new invention
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What is copyright?
Intellectual property protection for artistic or creative works
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What is trademark?
Intellectual property protection for a business' distinguishing feature
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What is a franchise?
A franchisor gives permission to a franchisee to use it's name/product and service.
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What is a business plan?
A document that sets out the aims and strategies of a business
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What is market research?
The gathering and analysing of information about a specific market
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What is a business advisor?
A person with knowledge and experience who offers support and advice
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What is primary research?
Collection of first hand original data that did not exist before. E.g surveys, questionnaires, observations
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What is secondary research?
Research thats already been undertaken, may be out of date but may be more comprehensive
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What is quantative research?
Numerical data
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What is qualitative data?
Non-numerial data
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What should sampling be representative of?
The population
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What is random sampling?
A small group of people representative of an entire target population, they are all chosen by chance.
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What is stratified sampling?
A small group of people representative of an entire target population, chosen at random by a specific subsection of the target population
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What is a market?
Any place where buyers and sellers meet to exchange goods and services
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What are electronic markets?
A virtual location where buyers and sellers trade
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What are unincorporated business'?
A business with the same legal identity as its owners with unlimited liability.
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Incorporated business?
Registered with companies house
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A sole traider..
Is an individual who owns an unregistered business
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A partnership..
Is when two or more individuals set up an unregistered business and share the profit
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What is a private limited company?
A business registered with companies house, owned by shareholders and shares can be bought or sold privately
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Whats a dividend?
A share of the profit given to a shareholder as a reward of their investment
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What is a public limited company?
Shares can be sold on stock exchange, anyone can buy shares
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Limited liability?
A business owner is not responsible for the business' debts
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Unlimited liability?
A business owner is fully responsible for any of the business' debts
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Whats an overdraft?
Temporary agreement allowing the business owner to withdraw more money than in their account, but the bank charges interest, repaid whenever they can.
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Whats a bank loan?
A set amount of money lent to a business which must be repaid within a certain amount of time
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is meant by opportunity cost?


Contrasting the risks with the benefits

Card 3


Revenue is the money received by the business from it's customers, what other words can be used instead of revenue?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the formula for profit?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is a patent?


Preview of the front of card 5
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