Standards and codes

As a social service worker, I must create and maintain the trust and confidence of people who use services and carers.
Code 2
1 of 12
As a social service worker, I am accountable for the quality of my work and will take responsbility for maintaining and improving my knowledge and skills.
Code 6
2 of 12
As a social service worker, I must uphold public trust and confidence in social services.
Code 5
3 of 12
As a social service worker, I must promote the independence of people who use services while protecting them as far as possible from danger and harm.
Code 3
4 of 12
As a social service worker, I must respect the rights of people who use services, while striving to make sure that their behaviour does not harm themselves or other people.
Code 4
5 of 12
As a social service worker, I must protect and promote the rights and interests of people who use services and carers.
Code 1
6 of 12
Manage and be accountable, with supervision and support, for own social work practice with the organisation.
Standard 5
7 of 12
Demonstrate professional confidence and competence in social work practice.
Standard 4
8 of 12
Prepare for practice and work in partnership with individuals, children, parents, families and extended families, carers, groups and communities, professionals and organisations.
Standard 1
9 of 12
Plan, undertake, review and evaluate social work practice with individuals, children, parents, families and extended families, carers, groups, communities and other professionals.
Standard 2
10 of 12
Assess and manage risk to individuals, childre, parents, families and extended families, carers, groups, communities, self and colleagues.
Standard 3
11 of 12
Work in partnership with individuals, children, parents, families and extended families, carers, groups and communities to address and manage their needs, views and circumstances.
Standard 6
12 of 12

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Card 2


As a social service worker, I am accountable for the quality of my work and will take responsbility for maintaining and improving my knowledge and skills.


Code 6

Card 3


As a social service worker, I must uphold public trust and confidence in social services.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


As a social service worker, I must promote the independence of people who use services while protecting them as far as possible from danger and harm.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


As a social service worker, I must respect the rights of people who use services, while striving to make sure that their behaviour does not harm themselves or other people.


Preview of the front of card 5
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