sport organistions in sport

  • Created by: Adam
  • Created on: 21-04-13 19:27
what are the main objectives of sport england?
to lead the development of sport in england by influencing and serving the public.
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what are sport englands main aims?
1. get more people invloved in sport 2. invlove more places in sport 3. achieve more medals through higher standards of performance in sport.
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who works with sport england to achieve these aims?
1. lottery 2. local authorites 3. women in sport 4. disability 5. racial equality
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who funds sport england?
1.the exchequer 2. national lottery 3. via uk sport
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what are the achievements of sport england? sports programmes 2. millennium youth games
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when was UK sport founded? and who founded it?
in 1997 by royal charter
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who funds UK sport?
exchequer and the national lottery
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what are uk sports 4 main directorates?
1.performance development 2. uk sports institute 3. international relations and major events 4. ethics and anti doping
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what are the main aims of uk sport?
1.develop higher standards 2. identify sporting policies 3. develop and deliver appropriate grant programmes 4. oversee policy on sport science, sports medicine, drug control and coaching
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Card 2


what are sport englands main aims?


1. get more people invloved in sport 2. invlove more places in sport 3. achieve more medals through higher standards of performance in sport.

Card 3


who works with sport england to achieve these aims?


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Card 4


who funds sport england?


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Card 5


what are the achievements of sport england?


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