Space Physics

What is in the centre of the milkyway?
A super massive black hole
1 of 15
What is a black hole?
An area in space with gravity so strong even light can't escape it
2 of 15
Since light can't escape it, it appears the colour....
3 of 15
Is the light the fastest travelling thing that we know of?
4 of 15
If light can't escape it, then what else can?
5 of 15
What is a black hole filled with?
It is filled with lots and lots of material crammed into an extremely small space
6 of 15
Why is a black holes gravity so strong?
It is filled with lots and lots of material crammed into an extremely small space
7 of 15
More mass = more ...?
8 of 15
What are the first three parts of the lifecycle of a star?
1. Nebula 2. Protostars 3. Main Sequences
9 of 15
What are the two things that can happen after the main sequence?
Red Giant or Super Red Giant
10 of 15
What happens after a Red Giant phase? (2 phases)
1. Planetary Nebula 2. White Dwarf
11 of 15
What happens after a Super Red Giant (1 phase)
12 of 15
What 2 things could happen after a Supernova?
Black Hole or Neutron Star
13 of 15
What is a Nebula?
Helium and Hydrogen gas in space
14 of 15
What is a protostar?
The particles in gas clouds are pulled together by their own gravitational attraction. They murge and become denser/more concentrated to form protostars. The star-to-be gets hotter and hydrogen nuclei turn to helium nuclei and becomes a shining star
15 of 15

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is a black hole?


An area in space with gravity so strong even light can't escape it

Card 3


Since light can't escape it, it appears the colour....


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Is the light the fastest travelling thing that we know of?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


If light can't escape it, then what else can?


Preview of the front of card 5
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