
  • Created by: jp3louis
  • Created on: 21-02-16 18:04
Graphic user interface (GUI)
When we use computer systems to manipulate windows, click on buttons and scroll through menus.
1 of 10
Software is the description of the sequences of an instruction, code and programs that computers execute.
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Device Drivers
Small programs by hardware designers made for a piece of hardware such as a printer.
3 of 10
Anti-virus software
Help the computer fight of viruses to keep the computer clean.
4 of 10
Anti-virus software, firewall, disk management and backup software are examples of utilities.
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Mobile devices
A device that is portable and uses less power as it uses a battery.
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Custom written
When something is specifically made for organiation. Examples include Eportal for registers and the isolation system.
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Off the shelf
Presentation software/ word processing software. These generic softwares can apply things to for your needs.
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Open source
A generic but freely available software which can be shared by programmers. These are not owned by anyone.
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Something which is developed commercially to make money. These things are sold with a license.
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Card 2


Software is the description of the sequences of an instruction, code and programs that computers execute.



Card 3


Small programs by hardware designers made for a piece of hardware such as a printer.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Help the computer fight of viruses to keep the computer clean.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Anti-virus software, firewall, disk management and backup software are examples of utilities.


Preview of the back of card 5
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