sociology ; families

agency of socialisation
a social group or institute that is responsible for undertaking socialisation. eg,family,peers,media.
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the process by which we learn the culture and appropriate behaviour of the society we are born into.
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the cultral and social differences between a male and female which are associated with masculinity and femininity.
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the biological differences between a male and female
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cultral norms and values that distinguish one ethnic group from another.
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peer pressure
a social pressure which a peer group puts on its members to encourage them to conform to the groups norms
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peer group
a group who share a similar status or position in society
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gender roles
traditional social roles related to gender such as breadwinner and housewife.
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living with a partner outside of marriage or civil partner ship
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conjugal roles
the domestic roles of a couple.
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joint conjugal roles
when domestic roles are shared equally
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segregated conjugal roles
when domestic roles are unequal, each partner has seperate tasks among traditional lines
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domestic division of labour
the divisoon of tasks such as diy,housework,childcare between a couple.
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symmetrical family
a family form in which both spouses carry out different tasks but each contribute to the home similariy.
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ageing population
the idea of a small population of the young and a large population of the old.
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focusing on the interests of the child.
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infant mortality
the average numebr of children who die before the age of one
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a couple who are married or in civil partner ship with or without dependent children
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where one or a group of people live at the same address
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family diversity
the different types of family in britain today
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dual worker familes
where both spouses are in a paid employment.
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Card 2


the process by which we learn the culture and appropriate behaviour of the society we are born into.



Card 3


the cultral and social differences between a male and female which are associated with masculinity and femininity.


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Card 4


the biological differences between a male and female


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Card 5


cultral norms and values that distinguish one ethnic group from another.


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