Sociology key terms

  • Created by: Gebby04
  • Created on: 03-05-22 14:23
Not every person gets an equal chance to be successful in life because of difference in power, wealth and unequal life chances
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life chances
The opportunities, good or bad, that you have in life
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The amount of possessions or assets that an individual has. For example, property, land and money
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The type of life that a person has which can be linked to their job, leisure, activities and clothes
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Your position or place in society and this can be ascribed or achieved
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Inequality of outcome
Different people will end up with more money, a better lifestyle and jobs than others
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An idea about what someone is like; often based on a stereotypical assumption before you know them
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To unfairly treat someone based on prejudice or stereotyping. Can also be linked to labelling and can happen in education or work
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A fixed idea about a person or group that is often exaggerated. For example, all women are domestic goddess'.
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When a group of people are blamed for some of society's problems. For example, Hitler blaming the Jews for Germany's problems
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often linked to status, this word means when an individual is admired by others and seen as important e.g. because of their job
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Ascribed status
A status you are given at birth and it is normally fixed. For example, your age, race, sex or title such as a prince or princess
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Achieved status
A status you have earned in society based on talent or merit. For example, a promotion within a job
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Money that is received regularly (weekly or monthly) such as wages, benefits or a pension
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A small, wealthy and powerful group of people who control society. They are often referred to as the upper class
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The ability to influence others in order to get what you want. This can happen through coercion (force) or authority
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Having special advantages over someone else. For example, having private healthcare or private education
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Quality of life
How happy you are with with your life and how good you feel about yourself
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Social exclusion
Being left out of society in terms of education or the workplace. This can lead to fatalism and alienation
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Social inclusion
All people should be encouraged to be a part of society. For example, ensuring that all social groups are not discriminated against
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Stratifying (grouping) people based on their job. There are four of these in society (upper, middle, working and under)
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A fear of or being hostile towards gay people. Can lead to discrimination or violence
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Social model of disability
Sees society as causing the disability because it fails to adapt to the individuals needs (For example, ramps for wheelchair users)
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Medical model of disability
Sees disability as a problem that someone has. This can often lead to a negative self-fulfilling prophecy for the individual
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Minimum wage
A figure created by the government which is the lowest possible wage an employer can legally pay
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life expectancy
The average age a person can expect to live for and can be linked to your social characteristics (sex, ethnicity, class etc)
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An idea about how society functions (works). For example, Marxism, functionalism, feminism and the new right
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The idea that hard work and talent can bring success to any person in society. Functionalists argue that it motivates people
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Social mobility
The ability to move up and down within a system of stratification (class for example)
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A system that encourages competition amongst people in society and based on the pursuit of profit. Disliked by Marxist
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A male dominated society that causes gender inequality in all aspects of society (work, family etc) according to feminists
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Political correctness
People need to be careful when using words that could be offensive to people (racist, sexist, ageist)
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


The opportunities, good or bad, that you have in life


life chances

Card 3


The amount of possessions or assets that an individual has. For example, property, land and money


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Card 4


The type of life that a person has which can be linked to their job, leisure, activities and clothes


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Card 5


Your position or place in society and this can be ascribed or achieved


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