Sociology key term flash cards.

  • Created by: Waltoxd
  • Created on: 30-10-22 14:42
Culture is a way of life shared by a group of people. It consists of the rules for expected behaviour and the knowledge that people need to feel part of a group.
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Cultural universals
Cultural universals are social behaviours that can be found in all cultures.
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Cultural diversity
Cultural diversity is the range of different ideas and cultures that can exist.
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Cultural relativity
Cultural relativity is the idea that what is normal in one culture would be strange in another.
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Traditions are activities that people have always done. For example, celebrating Halloween.
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Socialisation is the process of learning the expected social rules for your culture.
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Primary socialisation
Primary Socialisation is the term used to describe the socialisation that takes place in the home.
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Secondary socialisation
Secondary socialisation is the term used to describe the socialisation that takes place in the workplace and at school.
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Gender refers to the social differences between males and females or what is seen as masculine and feminine. In other words, it is the expected way of behaving based on whether someone is male or female.
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Mass media
Mass media is a form of communication that reaches a lot of people at a time.
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Nature theory
Nature theory is the idea that we act as we do because we are born that way.
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Nurture theory
Nurture theory is the idea that we act as we do because we are taught how to behave by others.
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Feral means wild or unsocialised person. They have not learned social behaviours.
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Positive sanctions and Negative sanctions.

A sanction is a reward or punishment used to make people act as you wish.
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Anthropology is the study of different human cultures.
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Manipulation is when you encourage behaviour based on gender expectations. For example, you can manipulate boys into being men by exposing them to violence or guns.
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Role models
A role model is someone that children admire or copy.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Cultural universals


Cultural universals are social behaviours that can be found in all cultures.

Card 3


Cultural diversity


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Card 4


Cultural relativity


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5




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