Social Influence Studies

Key Studies from Social Influence

Asch Procedure
123 male students believed they were taking part in a vision test, a line judgement task was used with 1 real participant and 7/9 confederates. They were asked which line matched the standard line on 18 trials with 12 critical trials.
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Asch Findings
On average 32% of participants conformed on the critical trials, 75% conformed at least once and 25% never conformed at all. They knew the answers were incorrect but conformed as a result of normative social influence.
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Asch Group Size
With 3 confederates present at one time conformity rose to 31.8% but the addition of anymore made no significant difference. This suggests there is no need for a majority more than 3.
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Asch Unanimity
The presence of a dissenting confederate reduced conformity from 32% to 5% as it allowed the real participant to act more independently.
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Asch Task Difficulty
By making the task more difficult conformity rose as the situation became more ambiguous. This rose conformity as the participants were more likely to believe that the confederates where correct due to a shift from NSI to ISI.
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Zimbardo Procedure
The Stanford Prison Experiment. 21 male university students volunteered and where assigned to 2 social roles either prisoner or guard. They were tasked to run the prison without using physical violence.
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Zimbardo Findings
The prisoners and guards identified with their social roles within days of the experiment. The guards dehumanized the prisoners and the prisoners began to rebel causing the experiment to be terminated after 6 days.
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Milgram Procedure
40 male participants believing they were taking part in a memory experiment where assigned the role of teacher. They were asked to give an electric shock each time the 'learner' gave an incorrect answer to a list of words until 450 volts or refusal.
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Milgram Findings
All participants continued to at least 300 volts with 65% conforming to the full 450 volts.
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Milgram Proximity
When teacher and learner where in the same room administration of 450 volts fell from 65% to 40% and when the experimenter was outside giving telephone instructions obedience levels fell to 20.5%.
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Milgram Location
When the experiment was conducted in a run down office block the administration of 450 volts fell to 47.5% compared to the 65% when it was conducted at the prestigious Yale University.
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Milgram Uniform
When the experimenter wore their own clothes obedience fell from 65% to 20% compared to when the experimenter wore a uniform white lab coat that symbolized their position of authority.
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Adorno Procedure
Investigated causes of obedient personalities in over 2000 middle class white Americans and their unconcious attitudes to other racial groups using the F-Scale to measure authoritarian personality.
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Adorno Findings
Found that those who score highly on the F-Scale were status-conscious regarding themselves and others showing excessive respect and obedience to those with power. They also had a particular cognitive style correlating authoritarianism and prejudice.
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Elms and Milgram Procedure
20 obedient and 20 disobedient participants from Milgram's original experiment completed Adorno's F Scale to measure their levels of authoritarian personality while also being questioned about their parents and the experimenter.
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Elms and Milgram Findings
Obedient participants scored higher on the F-Scale and reported being less close to their fathers while also admiring the experimenter in Milgram's experiment.
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Nemeth Procedure
Participants had to agree on the compensation of a ski-lift accident. There was 2 conditions (inflexible) where they argued for a low rate and refused to change or (flexible) where they argued for a low rate but compromised for slightly higher.
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Moscovici Procedure
172 female participants were shown 36 slides which were shades of blue. The inconsistent condition the confederates said 24 were green and 12 were blue and in the consistent condition they always gave the answer as green.
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Moscovici Findings
In the consistent condition the real participants agreed on 8.2% of the trails but only 1.25% in the inconsistent condition.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


On average 32% of participants conformed on the critical trials, 75% conformed at least once and 25% never conformed at all. They knew the answers were incorrect but conformed as a result of normative social influence.


Asch Findings

Card 3


With 3 confederates present at one time conformity rose to 31.8% but the addition of anymore made no significant difference. This suggests there is no need for a majority more than 3.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


The presence of a dissenting confederate reduced conformity from 32% to 5% as it allowed the real participant to act more independently.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


By making the task more difficult conformity rose as the situation became more ambiguous. This rose conformity as the participants were more likely to believe that the confederates where correct due to a shift from NSI to ISI.


Preview of the back of card 5
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