Social Influence: Social Change

What is social change?
When a society adopts a view or new way of thinking as the norm
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What is the purpose of social norms
To inform behavourial choices
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What are social norm interventions?
Attempts to correct a misperception of a societal norm, usually in an attempt to change the risky behaviour of a population
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What is the process by which a minority influence becomes majority?
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What are the five stages of conversion?
1.Drawing attention

2. Cognitive Conflict

3.Consistency of postion

4. Augumentation Principle

5. Snowball effect
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What is drawing attention?
Any attempt to widely publicise a new view with the aim of having people adopt this new view
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What is cognitive conflict?
Creating a challenge to a previously held belief of a society. This may not change people's minds but it gets them thinking
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What is consistency of position?
A minority that sticks to its message and sustains the output of its message tend to be influential
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What is the Augmentation principle?
A minority wiling to suffer for their views is seen as more committed and are taken more seriously as a result
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What is the Snowball effect?
Minority influence starts small but as more people adopt their position, more people become aware and subsequently converted
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Card 2


What is the purpose of social norms


To inform behavourial choices

Card 3


What are social norm interventions?


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Card 4


What is the process by which a minority influence becomes majority?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are the five stages of conversion?


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