Social Influence Key Words

  • Created by: Caits24
  • Created on: 09-04-17 12:29
The study of the human mind and human behaviour
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Social Norms
A social norm is a way of behaving which has been formed by a group and to greater or lesser conformity is expected e.g. we are dressed
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A change in a person's behaviour or opinions as a result of real or imagined pressure from a person or group of people
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Conforming simply because of expectations and with no convictions. e.g. a supporter finds themselves in with the wrong fans so starts supporting the wrong team
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Conforming with conviction while with a relative group but not while away from them e.g. a gang member acting hard while with the gang but then goes home and washes up
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Conformity with complete conviction e.g. someone who completely converts to a religion
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Informational Social Influence (ISI)
Conforming so you know what to do. e.g. someone at a dinner party looking around to see which knives and forks to use if there is a choice
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Normative Social Influence (NSI)
Conforming to be accepted. e.g. wearing a dress/suit at a formal occasion so you don't look odd
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Social Roles
Roles we learn and use in social situations. The 'parts' we play as members of various social groups e.g. teachers, students
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A form of social influence in which an individual follows a direct order
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Situational Variables
Factors in the environment that can unintentionally affect the results of a study
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Agentic State
A mental state where we feel no personal responsibility for our behaviour because we believe ourselves to be acting for an authority figure i.e. as their agent. This frees us from the demands of our consciences allowing us to obey destructive figures
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Legitimacy of Authority
Explanation for obedience that suggests we are likely to obey people who we perceive to have authority over us. This authority is justified by the individuals position of power within a social hierarchy
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Dispositional Explanations
Any explanation of behaviour that highlights the importance of the individuals personality i.e. their disposition (qualities). Such explanations are often contrasted with situational explanations
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Authoritarian Personality
A type of personality that is especially susceptible to obeying people in authority. Such individuals are also thought to be submissive to those of higher status and dismissive of inferiors
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Resistance to social influence
Refers to the ability of people to withstand the social pressure to conform to the majority or to obey authority. This ability to withstand social pressure is influenced by both situational and dispositional factors
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Social Support
The presence of people who resist pressures to conform or obey can help others to do the same. These people can act as models to show others that resistance to social influence is possible
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Locus of Control
Refers to the sense we each have about what directs events in our lives
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People that believe what happens to them are largely controlled by themselves e.g. whether they did well in an exam or not depends on how much work they did to prepare
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People that believe what happens to them is out of their control and largely due to luck or outside forces e.g. whether they do well in an exam or not depends on how easy/hard the questions and how good the textbook they used was
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Minority Influence
A form of social influence in which a minority of people (sometimes just 1 person) persuade others to adopt their beliefs, attitudes or behaviours. Leads to internalisation/conversion in which private attitudes are changed as well as public behaviour
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Minority influence is most effective if the minority keeps the same beliefs both over time and between all the individuals that form the minority. It's effective because it draws attention to the minority view
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Synchronic Consistency
Lots of people saying the same thing
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Diachronic Consistency
People saying the same thing for a long period of time
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Minority influence is more powerful if the minority demonstrates dedication to their position, for example by making personal sacrifices. This is effective because it shows the minority is not acting out of self-interest
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Relentless consistency could be counter productive if it is seen by the majority as unbending and unreasonable. Therefore minority influence is more effective by accepting the possibility of compromise
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Augmentation Principle
If a person performs an action when there are known constraints, their motive for acting must be stronger
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Social Influence
The process by which individuals and groups change each other's attitudes and behaviours. Includes conformity, obedience and minority influence
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Social Change
This occurs when whole societies rather than just individuals adopt new attitudes, beliefs and ways of doing things e.g. women's suffrage, gay rights, environmental issues
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Social Cryptomnesia
People have a memory that change has occurred but don't remember how it happened
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Card 2


Social Norms


A social norm is a way of behaving which has been formed by a group and to greater or lesser conformity is expected e.g. we are dressed

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