Sleep and Dreaming

Define Latent Content
What the dream actually means
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Define Manifest content
What the dream is
2 of 39
How does sleep keep us safe?
When we are asleep we are not creating noise or moving so predators cannot see us.
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How does sleep keep us healthy?
Spaces between brain cells increase so that toxins can be cleared
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How does sleep keep us emotionally stable?
The production of the stress hormone decreases so we feel more relaxed. Chemicals are balanced
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What happens when you don't sleep?
Brain goes into overdrive. Insomnia. Circadium rhythym is distrupted
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What happens in the stage of REM?
We dream, heart and blood pressure increases, eyes move rapidly, muscles are paralysed
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Name an endogenous pacemaker
Melatonin. Suprachiasmatic Nucleus.
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Name an exogenous zeitgeber
Darkness/Light. Alarm clock. Smell of a cooked breakfast
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What happens when we are exposed to light?
stimulates neural pathway to the hypothalmus in the brain.
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In the hypothalmus, what does the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) do?
Delays the release of melatonin, sends signals to other parts of brain which control hormones etc
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What is the role of melatonin?
Released into the blood from the pineal gland and makes us feel drowsy
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State three causes of Sleep onset insomnia
Physical pain. Too much caffeine. Eating a heavy meal before bed.
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State three causes of Sleep Maintenance insomnia
Depression. Restless leg syndrome. Sharing a room with a snorer.
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How can Freud's theory on dreams be viewed as subjective?
The theory is only what he thinks and the unconcsious mind cannot be proven to be true.
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What did Hobson and McCarley contribute to dreaming?
The Activation Synthesis Theory (AST)
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What does the AST state we dream for
for our brains to make sense of what happened in the day.
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What does the AST focus on?
the random activation of neurons and the brains effort to make sense of them through sythesis
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What is stage 1 of AST?
REM sleep occurs which causes electrical surges to pass through the brain
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Stage 2 of AST
The pons and neurons send messages to the limbic system and the occipital lobe. These areas are activated
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Stage 3 of AST
Random surges activatdes the cerebral cortex
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Stage 4 of AST
The higher parts of the brain are stimulated and activate different memories and functions happening in the brain at the same time
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How does this explain dreams?
Shows that dreams are the cause of many random memories and pictures mixing together. Therefore dreams have no meaning
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How is the AST considered reductionist?
Dreams are too complex to be explained by only a neural point of view
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What was the sample for Williams et al study?
12 biodiversity students in university, 10 females, 2 males
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Procedure 1
students kept a journal of day dreams and sleeping dreams.
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Procedure 2
60 sleep journals and 60 daydream journals were selcted
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What were the journals analysed on?
1) amount of detail. 2) visual content
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What were the journals scored by?
1) Locus of the dream. 2) Bizarreness per sentence
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Why was the inter- rater relability good?
Judges didn't know if they were scoring a dream or daydream. judges showed 88.7% accuracy when assessing whether it was a dream or daydream
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What did the results show?
dreams are more bizzare than daydreams due to the random electrical activity (links back to AST)
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How could the method be a criticism?
It was a self report, relies on the individual to recount their dream accurately which is difficult. They could lie about the content which means it could be subjective, resulting in a lack of validity
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How can Neurological damage impact sleep?
the SCN can be damaged if the hypothalmus is, meaning melatonin wouldnt be triggered by loght but melatonin injections can be given.
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Relaxation techniques for sleep
Clearing the mind- writing down what is worrying them then imagining the worries floating away
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Relaxtion technique
Deep breathing in a sitting position
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what does the Sympathetic nervous system do?
controls the fight of flight response when faced with stress
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What does the parasympathetic Nervous System do?
regualtes organ and gland functions during rest
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How can you improve sleep hygiene?
Redcuing caffeine intake, avoiding large meals before sleep, take regular exercise
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How should a bedroom be organised?
Neither too warm nor cold, Comfortable bed and sheets, clocks facing away from you and a decluttered bedroom
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What the dream is


Define Manifest content

Card 3


When we are asleep we are not creating noise or moving so predators cannot see us.


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Card 4


Spaces between brain cells increase so that toxins can be cleared


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Card 5


The production of the stress hormone decreases so we feel more relaxed. Chemicals are balanced


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