
A quiz to test yourself on skeletons in B5

Why does a jelly fish collapse when it is out of water?
Because it does not have a skeleton and relied on the water to support its body
1 of 11
What type of skeleton do insects have?
2 of 11
What is most of our skeleton made from?
3 of 11
How is cartilage different from bone?
It is softer and more flexible
4 of 11
Why must an insect moult before it can grow?
Because its external skeleton does not stretch
5 of 11
Why is it essential that bones are supplied with blood?
It is important as red and white blood cells are produced in the bone marrow
6 of 11
When an insect moults it usually eats its old skeleton. Why?
By eating their old skeleton they are re-absorbing any extra nutrients for food an materials to make a new skeleton
7 of 11
Explain why you don't break any bones when you jump and down
Because the shock is absorbed by the cartilage at the ends of the bone and synovial fluid
8 of 11
Why does a 'pad' of cartilage remain at the end of bones in adults
The cartilage helps the bones slide over joints-for flexibility
9 of 11
Suggest why it is important for Jack to know whether he's stopped growing?
Because he may be very tall or very small and might want a career that has a height restriction
10 of 11
Why is it important for teenager to have a diet rich in calcium?
Teenagers are growing fast, i.e their bones are growing fast so calcium will be in high demand to ensure new bone growth
11 of 11

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What type of skeleton do insects have?



Card 3


What is most of our skeleton made from?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How is cartilage different from bone?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why must an insect moult before it can grow?


Preview of the front of card 5
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