Skeletal system

  • Created by: mduffield
  • Created on: 02-02-20 09:10
Explain two adaptations to the skeletal system following long term training (4)
Increased bone strength/density. Due to the release of calcium from impact training. Increased ligament strength. Due to weight bearing exercise
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Explain what Arthritis is (4)
swelling/inflammation at joints. Caused by wear and tear. Cartilage gets worn away. This causes bones to rub together. Causes pain.
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Explain what Osteoporosis is and how to help prevent it (4)
Weakened bones. Caused by lack of calcium or vitamin D. Gentle weight bearing exercise. increases calcium uptake. makes bones stronger
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Explain the process of bone growth (4)
Epiphyseal plate or growth plate at end of bones. this is made of cartilage. Osteoclasts break down old bone material. Osteoblasts produce new bone material. This goes hard and forms new bone
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Name 5 types of bone and give an example and function of each (5)
Long e.g. femur - movement. Short e.g. carpals - weight bearing. Flat e.g. sternum - protection. Irregular e.g. bones of vertebrae - attach muscles. Sesamoid e.g.Patella - reduce friction
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Explain why children should not do weight training (3)
Bones are still growing. Growth plate could get damaged. This can prevent full healthy bone growth
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Name 5 structural characteristics of joints and explain the function of each (5)
Synovial fluid - lubricates joint. Synovial membrane produces synovial fluid. Ligaments join bone to bone. Joint capsule surrounds and protects joint. Cartilage at end of bones prevents bones rubbing together. Bursa reduce friction
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Name 5 types of synovial joint and give an example of each one (5)
Ball and Socket (shoulder/hip). Hinge (knee/elbow). Gliding (between carpal bones). Saddle (thumb). Pivot (atlas/axis in spine). Condyloid (wrsit)
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Card 2


Explain what Arthritis is (4)


swelling/inflammation at joints. Caused by wear and tear. Cartilage gets worn away. This causes bones to rub together. Causes pain.

Card 3


Explain what Osteoporosis is and how to help prevent it (4)


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Explain the process of bone growth (4)


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name 5 types of bone and give an example and function of each (5)


Preview of the front of card 5
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