Simple phenomena of magnetism

  • Created by: AIV17
  • Created on: 17-04-21 09:39
Why magnetic forces occur?
The interaction of magnetic fields
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How can magnetic fields be represented?
Field lines
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What is a magnetic material?
A material which experiences a force when placed in a field
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Which are common magnetic materials?
Iron, steel, nickel and cobalt
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What are hard magnetic materials?
A material that retains magnetism well, but is difficult to magnetise
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What is an example of a hard material?
Hard steel
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What are soft magnetic materials?
A material that is easy to magnetise and loses it easily
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What is an example of a soft material?
Soft iron
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What are permanent magnets?
Magnets that retain magnetism and are made of hard magnetic materials
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What are electromagnets?
A magnet that is made up of a solenoid, which creates a magnetic field with a current. They are soft materials
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What is the difference between permanent magnets and electromagnets?
An electromagnet can be turned on/off and its magnetic field can be reversed
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How can the strength of an electromagnet be increased?
Increase the current flowing, number of turns or add a soft iron core
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How can a magnetic material be magnetised?
Stroking it with a permanent magnet, putting it inside a coil with d.c. flowing through it or hammering it on a strong field
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What is induced magnetism?
The magnetisation of a magnetic material when placed on a field
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What happens on induced magnetism?
One end of the material becomes N and the other end becomes S
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What happens once removed from the field?
It will start to lose its magnetism depending on whether it is hard or soft
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How can magnetic fields be represented?


Field lines

Card 3


What is a magnetic material?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Which are common magnetic materials?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are hard magnetic materials?


Preview of the front of card 5
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