Sichuan Earthquake

  • Created by: Mego
  • Created on: 01-12-12 15:40
When was the earthquake?
12th May 2008
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How bad was it?
7.9 on the Richter scale
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What caused the earthquake?
A jolt at the destructive boundary between the Eurasian and Indian plates.
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How were the buildings effected? (2)
-Buildings were evacuated throughout the area. -In many towns and villages in the area buildings collapsed.
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What happened in Dujiangyan?
In the city of Dujiangyan a school collapsed killing over 840 children.
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How was transport effected?
Most transport was affected, the train lines were distorted, roads cracking and becoming buried by landslides.
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Give 3 secondary effects.
-Landslides buried roads and buildings meaning relief teams found it harder to work. -Heavy rain caused landslides which blocked dams. Lakes formed meaning there was a risk of the dams collapsing. -Concerns about the spread of disease because of the
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How did the Chinese authorities respond?
Immediately with medical teams, helicopters and troops.
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Who else also gave relief?
Many governments and other organisations such as the Red Cross with tents, medical supplies and water.
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How was aid delivery hindered?
Transport carrying aid was slowed down by the landslides covering the roads
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Why was the impact of the earthquake bad? (4)
Because of the severity of the quake and the high population density.As China is an LEDC it is not as well prepared as an MEDC. -Many buildings were old and badly built meaning they collapsed easily. -Buildings were constructed on known fault lines
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How did it effect parents?
Many parents lost their only child as many schools collapsed killing the children inside. The one-child rule was relaxed in Sichuan shortly after.
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How did it effect agriculture?
Irrigation systems and agricultural buildings were destroyed. -Many animals died with an estimated 1 million pigs died.
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What was estimated about the rebuilding?
It will take more than 3 years to rebuild the damaged areas at an estimated cost of $50 billion
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How many people were killed?
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How many people were injured?
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How many people were made homeless?
4.8 million
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How bad was it?


7.9 on the Richter scale

Card 3


What caused the earthquake?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How were the buildings effected? (2)


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What happened in Dujiangyan?


Preview of the front of card 5
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