
what is sharia?
sharia means straight path- islamic word -gods law
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what are the 4 sources of sharia?
Qur'an- hadith/sunna-Qiyas- ijma
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what does Qur'an mean?
exact word of allah- has a quasi divine nature- closes thing to allah in the world today- this is a primary sourse
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what does Qiyas mean?
analogy - example smoking is forbiden because alcohol is
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what does ijma mean?
consensus- this is a secondary source
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a quote that goes with the sources
"my nation will never agree upon error"
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what is the difference between hadith and sunna?
sunna is what muhammad did- hadith is muhammads teachings and what he said e.g rules of prayer
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types of hadith
normal hadith -what prophet muhammad said "how to pray"-"when to fast-- hadith qudsi- what god said also known as holy hadith "
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what does verifying mean?
anything that contradicted the qur'an was elimentated from sharia and if it could be tracked back to a genuine ishad- someone who knew muhammad
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what do shi'a muslims accept?
shi'a muslims accept a group of books called 'the accurate six' which include burkari and phatoma
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who doesnt accept sharia?
quaranists dont except sharia as they dont accept anything than the qur'an
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what do shi'a muslims not accept?
shi'a muslims dont accpet Qiyas
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what are the criticisms of Qiyas?
it relies on human assumption
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what is fiqh?
its the way law is intepreted- these are known as different types of sharia
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what are the schools of fiqh?
hanfi- maliki-shafi-hanbali ahmad-safari
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what are the laws of fiqh?
depepending on where you live will depend on which sharia you follow- they are establised by the shcools of fiqh- muslims use sharia court i none islamis countries for family matters such as marrage or divorce -*must follow the law of the land*
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what does is mean by following the law of the land?
if a muslim is in the uk they must follow UK law system
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what is ijtihad?
its the possible orgin- means making own judgement which was encouraged by muhammad
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who can carry out ijtihad?
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what are the qualities of a mujtahid?
they must be experts in the history of islam + Qur'an + Arabic + hadith science, they must also be submisive to allah
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what is a mufti?
thes are the most qualified mujtahid
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what can muftis do?
they can issues fatwas which are rulings e.g. the grand mufti of egypt issued a fatwa on FGM.
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types of hadith?
sahih- most reliable , hasan- might be accepted, daif- weak
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what are the 4 sources of sharia?


Qur'an- hadith/sunna-Qiyas- ijma

Card 3


what does Qur'an mean?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what does Qiyas mean?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what does ijma mean?


Preview of the front of card 5
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