
  • Created by: alieke
  • Created on: 01-06-22 18:38
what are the 5 aims of sentencing?
rehabilitation, reparation, deterrence, protection of public, retribution
1 of 9
list all types of sentences
discharge (absolute or conditional)
community service
prison sentence (suspended, determinate, indeterminate)
2 of 9
what is an aggravating factor?
provide an example
factors that may increase a sentence eg. targeting a vulnerable victim, D being motivated by racism or D used a weapon
3 of 9
what is a mitigating factor?
provide a few examples
factors that may decrease a sentence eg. lack of a prior criminal record, genuine remorse or mental or physical illness
4 of 9
if D pleads guilty after the trial date has been set, then his sentence is reduced by ____
5 of 9
what would be an example of reparation?
an apology and compensation
6 of 9
name 3 kinds of custodial sentences
mandatory sentence, discretionary sentence or home detention curfew
7 of 9
what is retribution?
punishment that matches the crime
8 of 9
what is reparation?
making good the harm caused
9 of 9

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Card 2


list all types of sentences


discharge (absolute or conditional)
community service
prison sentence (suspended, determinate, indeterminate)

Card 3


what is an aggravating factor?
provide an example


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is a mitigating factor?
provide a few examples


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


if D pleads guilty after the trial date has been set, then his sentence is reduced by ____


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