SEM 1 : Peripheral Vasculature


1. where do you feel for pulses

  • femoral (femoral triangle), popliteal (knee), post. tibial (inf. to medial malleolus), dorsal pedis (dorsal foot, lateral to big toe)
  • femoral (femoral triangle), popliteal (knee), post. tibial (dorsal foot, lateral to big toe), dorsal pedis (inf. to medial malleolus)
  • femoral (femoral triangle), popliteal (knee), post. tibial (inf. to medial malleolus), dorsal pedis (dorsal foot, medial to big toe)
  • femoral (femoral triangle), popliteal (knee), post. tibial (dorsal foot, medial to big toe), dorsal pedis (inf. to medial malleolus)
1 of 16

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2. what is the blood flow of the lower limb

  • Ascending aorta -> aortic arch -> descending aorta -> thoracic aorta -> abdominal aorta -> common iliac a. -> external iliac a. -> femoral artery (-> profunder brach) -> popliteal a. -> ant. fibular a. -> post. fibular a. , dorsal pedis a. and tibial /perineal -> capillaries -> (deep) dorsal venous arch, ant. fibular and tibial -> posterior fibular -> popliteal v. -> femoral v. (sup) small saphenous -> popliteal, great saphenous -> femoral v. -> external iliac v. -> common iliac v. -> IVC
  • Ascending aorta -> aortic arch -> descending aorta -> thoracic aorta -> abdominal aorta -> common iliac a. -> external iliac a. -> femoral artery (-> profunder brach) -> popliteal a. -> ant. fibular a. -> post. fibular a. , dorsal pedis a. and tibial /perineal -> capillaries -> (deep) dorsal venous arch, ant. tibial and fibular -> posterior tibial -> popliteal v. -> femoral v. (sup) small saphenous -> popliteal, great saphenous -> femoral v. -> external iliac v. -> common iliac v. -> IVC
  • Ascending aorta -> aortic arch -> descending aorta -> thoracic aorta -> abdominal aorta -> common iliac a. -> external iliac a. -> femoral artery (-> profunder brach) -> popliteal a. -> ant. tibial a. -> post. tibial a. , dorsal pedis a. and fibular/perineal -> capillaries -> (deep) small saphenous -> popliteal, great saphenoufemoral v. (sup) dorsal venous arch, ant. fibular and tibial -> posterior fibular -> popliteal v. -> femoral v. -> external iliac v. -> common iliac v. -> IVC
  • Ascending aorta -> aortic arch -> descending aorta -> thoracic aorta -> abdominal aorta -> common iliac a. -> external iliac a. -> femoral artery (-> profunder brach) -> popliteal a. -> ant. tibial a. -> post. tibial a. , dorsal pedis a. and fibular/
  • Ascending aorta -> aortic arch -> descending aorta -> thoracic aorta -> abdominal aorta -> common iliac a. -> external iliac a. -> femoral artery (-> profunder brach) -> popliteal a. -> ant. fibular a. -> post. fibular a. , dorsal pedis a. and tibial /perineal -> capillaries -> (deep) small saphenous -> popliteal, great saphenoufemoral v. (sup) dorsal venous arch, ant. fibular and tibial -> posterior fibular -> popliteal v. -> femoral v. -> external iliac v. -> common iliac v. -> IVC
  • Ascending aorta -> aortic arch -> descending aorta -> thoracic aorta -> abdominal aorta -> common iliac a. -> external iliac a. -> femoral artery (-> profunder brach) -> popliteal a. -> ant. tibial a. -> post. tibial a. , dorsal pedis a. and fibular/perineal -> capillaries -> (deep) dorsal venous arch, ant. fibular and tibial -> posterior fibular -> popliteal v. -> femoral v. (sup) small saphenous -> popliteal, great saphenous -> femoral v. -> external iliac v. -> common iliac v. -> IVC

3. outline the blood flow to the right arm

  • ascending aorta -> aortic arch -> brachiocephalic a. -> right subclavian a. -> axillary a. -> brachial a. -> ulnar and radial a. -> deep and superficial palmar arches -> capillaries -> (sup) basilic v. and cephalic v. (connect in cubital fossa via medial
  • ascending aorta -> brachiocephalic a. -> right subclavian a. -> axillary a. -> brachial a. -> ulnar and radial a. -> deep and superficial palmar arches -> capillaries -> (sup) basilic v. and cephalic v. (connect in cubital fossa via medial cubital vein) or (deep) radial and ulnar v. -> brachial v. -> axillary v. -> brachiocephalic v. -> SVC
  • ascending aorta -> aortic arch -> brachiocephalic a. -> right subclavian a. -> axillary a. -> brachial a. -> ulnar and radial a. -> deep and superficial palmar arches -> capillaries -> or (sup) radial and ulnar v. -> brachial v. or (deep) basilic v. and cephalic v. (connect in cubital fossa via medial cubital vein) -> axillary v. -> brachiocephalic v. -> SVC
  • ascending aorta -> brachiocephalic a. -> right subclavian a. -> axillary a. -> brachial a. -> ulnar and radial a. -> deep and superficial palmar arches -> capillaries -> or (sup) radial and ulnar v. -> brachial v. or (deep) basilic v. and cephalic v. (connect in cubital fossa via medial cubital vein) -> axillary v. -> brachiocephalic v. -> SVC
  • ascending aorta -> aortic arch -> brachiocephalic a. -> right subclavian a. -> axillary a. -> brachial a. -> ulnar and radial a. -> deep and superficial palmar arches -> capillaries -> or (sup) radial and ulnar v. (connect in cubital fossa via medial cubital vein)-> brachial v. or (deep) basilic v. and cephalic v. -> axillary v. -> brachiocephalic v. -> SVC
  • ascending aorta -> brachiocephalic a. -> right subclavian a. -> axillary a. -> brachial a. -> ulnar and radial a. -> deep and superficial palmar arches -> capillaries -> (sup) basilic v. and cephalic v. or (deep) radial and ulnar v. (connect in cubital fossa via medial cubital vein)-> brachial v. -> axillary v. -> brachiocephalic v. -> SVC

4. what are superficial veins

  • veins that are closely related to the bony skeleton
  • veins in the superficial fascia
  • veins that travel with arteries with the same name
  • veins draining superficial organs
  • veins draining outer surfaces of the body

5. what are the deep veins of the upper limb

  • ulnar and basilic - connected by medial cubital
  • ulnar and radial - connected by medial cubital
  • cephalic and radial - connected by medial cubital
  • cephalic and basilic - connected by medial cubital
  • ulnar and radial
  • cephalic and basilic
  • ulnar and radial


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