
  • Created by: danpurdy1
  • Created on: 13-10-17 20:18
Define self disclosure
Revealing personal information about yourself
1 of 11
When do romantic partners reveal more about themselves?
As their relationship develops as it could strengthen it
2 of 11
What is the social penetration theory about?
How relationship develops
3 of 11
Should self-disclosure be a gradual or sudden process?
4 of 11
Why shouldn't self-disclosure be sudden?
It could ruin the relationship
5 of 11
What does self-disclosure involve?
The reciprocal exchange of information
6 of 11
What does revealing personal information display?
Trust and should be done by both partners to make the relationship successful
7 of 11
What is the analogy of the breadth and depth of self-disclosure?
The layers of an onion
8 of 11
What happens if both bredth and depth of self-disclosure increases?
It increases the chances of the relationship being successful
9 of 11
What sort of information would be revealed at the start of the relationship?
Low risk information such as likes and dislikes
10 of 11
What sort of information would be revealed as the relationship progresses?
High risk information such as painful memories and experiences
11 of 11

Other cards in this set

Card 2


When do romantic partners reveal more about themselves?


As their relationship develops as it could strengthen it

Card 3


What is the social penetration theory about?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Should self-disclosure be a gradual or sudden process?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why shouldn't self-disclosure be sudden?


Preview of the front of card 5
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