
  • Created by: AGurung2
  • Created on: 30-11-20 14:25

Relationships: Self-disclosure


What is self-disclosure?

Self-disclosure is the gradual process of revealing your inner self to someone (romantic partner). The theory argues revealing personal information about each other strengthen the bond.

Self-disclosure involves reciprocal exchange: when one partner discloses information about themself, the other partner has to do the same. 

More disclosure about each other = penetrating more deeply into each others' lives.

Two types of self-disclosure:

Breadth and depth -> breadth and depth = more commitment to relationship

The first conversations you have with others are SUPERFICIAL -> low risk information

Reis and Shaver -> argued reciprocity is important -> breadth and depth + reciprocity = deepening of the relationship 

Social Penetration Theory:

Altman and Taylor -> Self-disclosure is the idea of disclosing information about yourself to your partner, in hope that they will reciprocate (disclose as well) and also respond positively and empathetically to you.


Hass and Stafford -> interviewed


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