section 5

  • Created by: AMColeman
  • Created on: 03-03-18 13:50
Vector quantity
Magnitude and direction e.g force, velocity and acceleration.
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Scalar quantity
Only magnitude no direction e.g speed, distance and tempurature.
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Gravitational force
The force of attraction between masses. On eaarth it makes everything fall to the ground and gives everything a weight.
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Is just the amount of 'stuff'.
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The force acting on an object due to gravity. Weight = mass x Gravitational field strength.
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Resultant force
Is the overall force on a point or object.
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Work done
Work is done and energy is transferred. work done =force x distance
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Is directly proportional to force.
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Is the turning effect of a force. Moment = force x distance perpendicluar from pivot to line of action.
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Fluid pressure
Pressure is the force per unit area.
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Speed of a person walking, running and cycling
Walking is 1.5m/s, running is 3m/s, cycling is 6m/s.
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Car travelling at: 30mph, 70mph
13m/s, 30m/s
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Plane and train typical speeds
250m/s and 55m/s
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Disance time graphs
Gradient=speed, flat sections are stationary, straight uphill=steady speed, curves represent acceleration or deceleration.
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Velocity time graphs
Gradient= acceleration, flat sections mean steady speed, curve means changing acceleration, area under any section of the graph = distance travelled in that time.
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Newtons first law
A resulatant force is needed to make something start moving, speed up or slow down.
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Newtons second law
Aceleration is proportional to the resultant force. F=MA
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Inertia is
The tendancy to continue in the same state of motion.
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Newtons third law
when to objects interact the forces they exert on each other are equall and opposite.
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Stopping distance =
Thinking distance + breaking distance
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Thinking distance =
How far the car travels during the drivers reaction time
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Typical braking distances
At 30 mph is 14m, 60mph 55m, 70 mph 75m
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Total stopping distances (thinking disatnce+braking distance)
At 30mph is 23m, 60mph is 53, 70 mph is 96m
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=Mass x velocity
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Scalar quantity


Only magnitude no direction e.g speed, distance and tempurature.

Card 3


Gravitational force


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4




Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5




Preview of the front of card 5
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