Science as a Belief System

What does Popper claim science to be?
An open belief system
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What is falsification?
Setting out to try and prove existing theories wrong
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What is the key feature of scientific knowledge, according to Popper?
It is not sacred or absolute truth; anyone can question, criticise and prove it false at any time
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Who argued that science can only thrive if it receives support from other institutions?
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What are the CUDOS norms?
Communism, Universalism, Disinterestedness, and Organised Scepticism
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Who distinguished between open and closed beliefs systems?
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Why do closed belief systems use ‘get-out clauses’?
To reinforce the system and prevent it from being disproved
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What did Evans-Pritchard study?
Witchcraft among the Azande people of the Sudan
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How is the belief of witchcraft among the Azande people highly resistant to change?
The believers are trapped in their own ‘idiom of belief’ or way of thinking
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What devices does Polanyi identify which all belief systems use to sustain themselves?
Circularity, subsidiary explanations, and denial of legitimacy to rivals
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What is a paradigm according to Kuhn?
Something that tells scientists what reality is, what problems to study, the methods/equipment to use, and what answers they should find
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What do interpretivist sociologists argue?
All knowledge is socially constructed
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Who points out that everything scientists do in the lab is highly constructed and far removed from the natural world?
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What evidence does Woolgar use to argue that scientific fact is simply a social construct that scientists have to persuade people into accepting?
The discovery of ‘pulsars’ by the Cambridge astronomy laboratory in 1967
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What evidence do Marxists use to argue scientific knowledge serves the interests of capitalism?
Theoretical work on ballistics was driven by the need to develop new weaponry
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What evidence do Feminists use to argue scientific knowledge serves the interests of the patriarchy?
Biological ideas have been used to justify male domination
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How do Postmodernists like Lyotard view science?
As just another discourse used to dominate people
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is falsification?


Setting out to try and prove existing theories wrong

Card 3


What is the key feature of scientific knowledge, according to Popper?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Who argued that science can only thrive if it receives support from other institutions?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are the CUDOS norms?


Preview of the front of card 5
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