
  • Created by: maria.g
  • Created on: 11-06-19 12:44
why is it unhealthy to be underweight
if the energy in the food you eat is less the energy you use you will lose body mass.
1 of 8
what are nutrients
nutrients are important substances that your body needs to survive and stay healthy.There are different types of nutrients.
2 of 8
what are carbonhydrates
carbonhydrates provide energy!
3 of 8
what are lipids
lipids (fats and oils) provide energy!
4 of 8
what are proteins
proteins are used for growth and repair!
5 of 8
what are vitamins
vitamins keep you healthy!
6 of 8
what are minerals
minerals keep you healthy!
7 of 8
what is fibre
Fibre provides bulk to food to keep it moving through the gut.
8 of 8

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Card 2


what are nutrients


nutrients are important substances that your body needs to survive and stay healthy.There are different types of nutrients.

Card 3


what are carbonhydrates


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Card 4


what are lipids


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Card 5


what are proteins


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