  • Created by: jenny
  • Created on: 09-12-13 20:47

Infant Pies


  • Soft Smooth Skin
  • Small
  • Fine Hair
  • Floppy Hair
  • Cautious Movers 
  • Poor Spacial Awarness
  • Learn To Walk
  • Sleep A Lot


  • Hands to mouth
  • Imitation
  • Rapid Learner
  • Language development
  • Counting
  • Name 
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Infant Pies 2


  • Cry a lot
  • Learn to smile
  • Attention seeking
  • Temper tantrums
  • Stranger Anxiety 
  • Confident


  • Tries to communicate
  • Doesn't share
  • Not sitting still
  • Little awareness for saftey
  • Needs to be diciplined
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Children PIES

Physical                                                                    Social

  • 2nd set of teeth                                                    Have to learn to share
  • More muscle than fat                                            May have to cope with younger siblings
  • Can hop, skip and run                                           Starts to become more independant
  • Childs head is smaller in proportion to body            Number of people they know will extend


  • Learn to talk and devlop a much wider range of vocabulary
  • Understand simple concepts
  • Understand 'right' from 'wrong'
  • Can organise thought 


  • Wider range of emotion
  • Different ways of expressing emotions
  • Makes close friendships
  • Starts to build a self concept
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