Schizophrenia (Cultural bias and validity)

The ICD and DSM are ethnocentric, meaning?
They judge other cultures by standards and norms of ones own culture. In its extreme form it is the belief of the superiority of ones own culture.
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In further detail...
Cultural norms differ across the world meaning it would be problematic to use the DSM and the ICD to judge whether or not the behavious of someone from an Eastern country was normal.
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What does this mean?
This means that the tools used to diagnose schizophrenia lack external validity.
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What has the DSM and ICD been criticised over?
The DSM and ICD have been criticised for being ignorant and looking over culture bound syndromes.
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What are culture bound syndromes?
Culture specific syndromes or folkillness which are a combination of psychiatric and somatic symptoms that are considered to be recognisable diseases within a specific society or culture.
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Who is a key theorist on cultural bias and validity?
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When was this theory published?
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What was this theory?
Mainly white psychiatrists tend to over-interpret symptoms and distrust the honesty of black people during diagnosis.
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Evidence supporting this theory...
It has been found that African Americans and English people of Afro-carribean origin are several times more likely to be diagnosed with schizophrenia.
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Card 2


In further detail...


Cultural norms differ across the world meaning it would be problematic to use the DSM and the ICD to judge whether or not the behavious of someone from an Eastern country was normal.

Card 3


What does this mean?


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Card 4


What has the DSM and ICD been criticised over?


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Card 5


What are culture bound syndromes?


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