Schaffers Stages of Attachment

  • Created by: lilyanne1
  • Created on: 01-10-22 15:40
What did Schaffer and Emerson find
They developed an account of how behaviours change as a baby gets older
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What are the 4 stages of attachment?
1. Asocial stage
2. Indiscriminate attachment
3. Specific attachment
4. Multiple attachments
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What is the asocial stage?
- in the first couple of weeks of life the baby's behaviour towards humans and objects is the same.
- However, babies do show some preference for company with the people their familiar with - like mum and dad.
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What is the indiscriminate attachment stage?
- At 2-7 months babies show more social behaviours. They still don't really like being around people they aren't familiar with, but they will except cuddles from anyone and don't really show separation or stranger anxiety anymore.
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What is the specific attachment stage?
- They start to show signs of attachment towards one specific person. They also start to have separation and stranger anxiety.
- The baby has a primary attachment figure - the mum in 65% of cases.
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What is the multiple attachments stage?
- after babies have their primary attachment figure they start to have multiple attachment to others - these are secondary attachments.
- 29% of children got secondary attachments a month after the primary one.
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What are 2 advantages of Schaffers and Emersons study?
- Good external validity as most of the observations were made by parents during ordinary activities and reported to the researchers, so Ps acted naturally during observations.
- The study has practical application in day care. In the first 2 stages of a
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What is a disadvantage of Schaffers and Emersons study?
- They only looked at one sample of people who had unique features in terms of cultural context - the study was done on the working class. in 1960, in Glasgow. In other collectivist cultures attachments are made at an earlier age.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the 4 stages of attachment?


1. Asocial stage
2. Indiscriminate attachment
3. Specific attachment
4. Multiple attachments

Card 3


What is the asocial stage?


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Card 4


What is the indiscriminate attachment stage?


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Card 5


What is the specific attachment stage?


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