Schachter and Singer

What was James Lang's theory of emotion
Our experience of physiological arousal and our feelings regarding our physical states are called emotion.
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What are the problems with James theory
According to James theory, different physical states should accompany different physical states but the same physical arousals occur in very different emotional states.
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What is the second problem with James's proposition?
If emotions are an experience of physical state, inducing artificial physical arousals (through adrenaline) should produce emotion but that does not happen.
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What is the two factor theory of emotion
Emotion is a result of physiological arousal and cognitive label. A physical state is interpreted in term's of one knowledge of the situation at hand and is labelled as fear or anger.
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What are evaluative needs?
When an individual is pressured to understand and label his state.
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Describe the first hypothesis ( Label his state)
Given a state of physiological arousal for which one has no explanation, he will label this state in terms of the cognition available to him.
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Describe the second hypothesis ( cognitions available)
In case that an individual cognitions to explain his state are available to an individual (I feel this way because of adrenaline) He is unlikely to look at alternate cognitions.
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Describe the third hypothesis
In a condition where cognitions that made one feel an emotion in the past are available but physiological arousal is not, one does not feel emotion.
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What factors needed to be manipulated?
The extent at which an individual felt physical arousal, the extent at which an explanation was available and a social context to drive cognitions from.
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Describe the ethics
deception, consent, physical harm, psychological harm
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Describe the bodily changes induced by epinephrine
Increase in blood pressure, heart rate,blood lactose concentration, increase in respiration
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what are the effects of epinephrine
tremors, face flushing, accelerated breathing palpitations 15 20 mins hands shaking, pounding of heart, hot cold flushes
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What were the symptoms misinformed were told
numbness itching headache
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Why was the misinformed condition introduced
The participants in the ignorant and the informed group may turn introspective which could account for differences i the iv ad DV. Even the misinformed would turn introspective but since no appropriate explanation is available this wont effect the
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Why was it important that the stooge's sequence began before the participant felt his physical arousals
If physiological arousal egam after the stooges routine the participant would e forced to interpret his state as a result of the stooge
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How could the stooge's behavior differ
The stooge's behavior could differ with different participants
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How was observation made
The participant was watched through a one way mirror, semi private, self report interator reliability was high
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the problems with James theory


According to James theory, different physical states should accompany different physical states but the same physical arousals occur in very different emotional states.

Card 3


What is the second problem with James's proposition?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the two factor theory of emotion


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Card 5


What are evaluative needs?


Preview of the front of card 5
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